A row and nothing more

Reported by Telegraph, America is secretly funding militant ethnic separatist groups in Iran in an attempt to pile pressure on the Islamic regime to give up its nuclear program. In a move that reflects Washington’s growing concern with the failure of diplomatic initiatives, CIA officials are understood to be helping opposition militias among the numerous ethnic minority groups clustered in Iran’s border regions.

The operations are controversial because they involve dealing with movements that resort to terrorist methods in pursuit of their grievances against the Iranian regime.

The report further elucidates that a row has also broken out in Washington over whether to "unleash" the military wing of the Mojahedeen-e Khalq (MEK), an Iraq-based Iranian opposition group with a long and bloody history of armed opposition to the Iranian regime. But it remains only a row and no action follows it. The group is since 1997 on the US State Department as a terrorist organization and the recently published report not only maintains the group on the list but also takes an unprecedented rough attitude exposing it a cult.

Even the American advocates of this political cult admit that the group holds no political weight but can be manipulated as a means of psychological warfare against Iran. John Pike, the head of the influential Global Security think tank in Washington, said: "A faction in the Defense Department wants to unleash them. They could never overthrow the current Iranian regime but they might cause a lot of damage." The group’s past atrocities well indicate that nothing but damage can come out of the group, even for its sponsors. Then, can anybody really accept the responsibility of unleashing MKO?


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