The Pandora Box of the Mujahedin Khalq sex cult

“There has never been such a sovereign in the whole history of human beings”, former member of the Mujahedin khalq organization and a long-standing critic of the group, Iraj Mesdaghi says. “Massoud Rajavi is a unique example among dictators who practiced polygamy. There have been kings, emperors and cult leaders who had many wives, who used to take the wives of their rank and file but Rajavi is an exception because he has forbidden marriage for other men under his rule. Sex is forbidden for all male members of the MEK.”

After the so-called ideological revolution in the MEK, Members of the group were forced to divorce their spouses under the order of Massoud Rajavi; celibacy became mandatory in the group. “All emotions had to be led to Massoud Rajavi.”

Iraj Mesdaghi

Iraj Mesdaghi

Mesdaghi who has been labeled as the agent of the Iranian government by the MEK propaganda, has numerous documents and testimonies of former members of the MEK to prove that Massoud Rajavi raped female members of his so-called Elite Council under a systematic process. In an interview with Sahar Tahvili, he reveals secrets of Rajavi’s mass marriage with the group’s female rank and file.

Maryam was in love with Massoud when she was married to Abrishamchi and was the mother to his daughter with him.

The first victim of such a horrifying system is Massoud Rajavi’s third wife, Maryam Qajar Azdanlou who turned to be Maryam Rajavi after their so-called “ideological marriage” in Paris, in 1985. The marriage was hailed by the organization as the beginning of a permanent “ideological revolution”.
“Rajavi is proud to say that Maryam was in love with him while she was still married to Mehdi Abrishamchi,” Mesdaghi discloses. “So, as the office manager of Massoud Rajavi, Maryam was near his love, doing his personal affairs around the office.”

Masud and Maryam Rajavi

Masoud Rajavi launched what he called an”ideological revolution”in 1985. He married the wife of a confidant and forced all others to get divorced

Their marriage was the eventual consequence of those days but Massoud tried to garnish it with an ideological sauce. “Massoud claimed that Maryam has gone a long way to reach him and all women of the group should follow her in her path to reach him”. Mesdaghi cites form Rajavi, “I belong to all of them.”.
Maryam should not be an obstacle between Massoud and other female members, instead she should be a catalyzer for their unification. “The first woman who is led by Maryam to sleep with Massoud Rajavi is Fahimeh Arvani,” Mesdaghi highlights. “Compared with other women of the Elite Council, Arvani did not enjoy a higher ideological or political status but she only looked more beautiful. So, she opened her way to Massoud’s Harem.”

Sex with Rajavi is vital for your growth

Rajavi had to justify his abnormal relationships with women with kind of argument. “This is vital for your growth and progress in the group” Mesdaghi quotes Rajavi. “Maryam is scarifying herself for you.”
Mesdaghi speaks of a series of steps that coerces women to obey Massoud Rajavi’s bizarre orders. He emphasizes on the fact that members of the Cult of Rajavi are kept in complete ignorance, isolation and deprived from all rights even sexual life. “They are like zombies,” he says. “They are under constant manipulation techniques. Before going to private meetings, they have to write love letters to Massoud Rajavi expressing their love for him. If they disobey, they go under severe peer pressure. They are verbally abused with the most horrific words.”

Then the women get ready to go to a session called “Salvation Dance” which is actually a party of nude dancing in front of Massoud Rajavi which leads to group sex with him. “Rajavi called nude dancing as a spiritual ceremony,” Mesdaghi says.
During the ceremony, Maryam and several high-ranking women persuaded other women to remove their clothes and dance before the eyes of Massoud. “They asked them to take of the clothes of evil,” Mesdaghi says. “They try to give an ideological aspect to the ceremony. As moments pass, the participants go to a kind of ecstasy.”

Rajavi reads verses of Quran before sex

According to Mesdaghi’s evidences, Massoud Rajavi uses religious concepts as a tool to run his cult of polygamy. “Before going to bed with the selected woman of the night he says prayer, then he reads a few verses of Quran,” he states.

Asked about those women who did not agree to sleep with Rajavi, Mesdaghi speaks of Minoo Fathali and Mehri Mousavi who were killed mysteriously in the group because they wanted to leave the cult.
Mesdaghi declares that he has enough documents to condemn leaders of the Cult of Rajavi for sexual abuse of female members of their group. He correctly points out the silence of the MEK’s propaganda about the revelations on sex abuse in its group. “Rajavi knows that what he committed against his female members is considered a criminal act according to the international laws,” Mesdaghi says.

By Mazda Parsi

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