Neoconservatives Split Over Support for the Rajavi Cult

The level of dishonesty and of stupidity of the major American media has reached a point where one neoconservative must expose the lies of another neoconservative at FrontPage Magazine.

FrontPage Magazine published today Kenneth R. Timmerman’s “No Second Marriages in Iran” to correct the lies of another neoconservative, Daniel Pipes.

Timmerman was responding to “Unleash the Iranian Opposition[, the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq], published July 10, 2007 in the New York Sun and at the Web site of Daniel Pipes.

Daniel Pipes wrote about his recent visit to France to participate in a rally of America’s terrorist enemies: the Iranian Communist MEK (MKO, PMOI, NCRI, Rajavi Cult, or Pol Pot of Iran). The MEK is on the State Department’s list of terrorist organizations. In September 2002, President Bush’s White House issued a background paper for Bush’s remarks at the United Nations naming the MEK as a major pretext for an American war with Iraq. The White House listed only three Saddam Hussein-supported terrorist organizations in Iraq. Al-Qaeda was not on the 2002 list.

Duping Pepperdine University, a Christian-affiliated University

During 2007, Daniel Pipes has been the 2007 William E. Simon Distinguished Visiting Professor at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California:


Daniel Pipes, PhD

2007 William E. Simon Distinguished Visiting Professor

(310) 506-7691 Phone

(310) 506-7494 Fax

Daniel Pipes is the founder and director of the Middle East Forum in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. As the School of Public Policy’s William E. Simon Distinguished Visiting Professor, he will teach a seminar in international relations on Islam and Politics in the Spring 2007 semester.

Pipes received both his AB and PhD in history from Harvard University and has taught at the University of Chicago, Harvard University, and the U.S. Naval War College. He served in various capacities in the U.S. government, including two presidentially appointed positions.

Pipes’s columns appears domestically in the New York Sun and the Jerusalem Post. Abroad, they appear regularly in Australia, Canada, Israel, Italy, and Spain. His Web site,, is among the most accessed Internet sources of specialized information on the Middle East and Islam.

He has published in many newspapers and magazines. His writings have been translated into 27 languages. He has appeared on nearly all the U.S. television news programs as well as on leading networks around the globe, including the BBC and Al-Jazeera. In addition to sitting on five editorial boards, Pipes has testified before numerous congressional committees and worked on four presidential campaigns. He is listed in Marquis’ Who’s Who in America and Who’s Who in the World.

The Middle East Forum, which Pipes founded in 1994, is an independent nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote American interests through publications, research, media outreach, and public education. The forum publishes the Middle East Quarterly, runs lecture series in four cities, and sponsors Campus Watch, a project to review, critique, and improve Middle East studies.


MPP 668 Islam and Politics

Pepperdine University is affiliated with the Churches of Christ. There is a large Christian cross on the lawn of the campus. Twenty years ago, I drove by the cross going to and from my faculty office on the Pepperdine University campus. My dean at the School of Business and Management was James Wilburn. Today, James Wilburn is the dean of the School of Public Policy, where Daniel Pipes has been a visiting member of the faculty:


James R. Wilburn, PhD


(310) 506-7490 Phone

(310) 506-7494 Fax

Dr. James R. Wilburn has headed Pepperdine University’s School of Public Policy since September 1996 as dean. Before joining the School of Public Policy, Wilburn served as dean of Pepperdine’s George L. Graziadio School of Business and Management for 12 years and was a professor of strategy. During Wilburn’s years as dean of the business school, it moved more aggressively into international business and started five new academic programs, with the nation’s foremost program for mid-career adults and the largest MBA program west of Chicago.

Wilburn has served Pepperdine as vice president of University Affairs, and as provost and chief operating officer. He is a member of the European Parliament Industrial Council and is listed in Who’s Who in International Business.

Wilburn has extensive experience in public policy-internationally and domestically. He has served as co-chairman of the U.S. Committee to Assist Russian Reform, a program funded by the United States Department of State. He was appointed by President Ronald Reagan to head the board of the CFTR Education Foundation. He has served as corporate director of several companies in the United States and Europe, including Signet Scientific; George Fisher (Switzerland); The Olson Company; Flowline; Virco Manufacturing; Brentwood Square Savings Bank; and First Fidelity Thrift and Loan.

The author of several books on American history, business management, and leadership, he is the recipient of the McGarvey Award for American history and of the George Washington Medal of Honor from Freedoms Foundation of Valley Forge. He is widely regarded as an expert on Russian reform and has published numerous articles on the subject.

He received his PhD in economic history from the University of California at Los Angeles, a masters degree from Midwestern State University and an MBA from Pepperdine’s Presidential/Key Executive program. He received his bachelors degree from Abilene Christian University.


MPP 604 Political, Organizational, and Strategic Aspects of Public Policy Analysis

Does Pepperdine University still have a reason to exist?

Today, Pepperdine University’s Web site still contains a statement of the 1937 values of the founder of the university, George Pepperdine:

A Place of Faith

“There are many good colleges and universities which can give you standard academic training,”Pepperdine University’s founder, George Pepperdine, once said,”but if our school does not give you more than that it really has no reason to exist.”On November 30, 1937, during the first semester of the school’s existence, Mr. Pepperdine told the new students,”The great difference between this college and other colleges is that we are endeavoring to place adequate emphasis and greater stress upon religious teaching and Christian character.”In his vision, however, students at Pepperdine would be free to accept or reject the Biblical teaching. He said that same day,”I want to present to you, in teaching and example, the Christian way of life. We do not compel you to accept it. You are free to make your own choice, but we want you to know what it is.”Pepperdine University would be a place where students from all backgrounds could study and grow, and a place where Christian students could come and strengthen their faith. Since the school’s beginning in the fall of 1937, it has striven to maintain the balance that its founder envisioned.

George Pepperdine was a life-long member of the Churches of Christ, and he wanted to found a school that would encourage the values of his faith. The Churches of Christ are nondenominational, Bible-based churches that seek to model the faith and practices of the New Testament Christians. Today, this group consists of over 13,000 autonomous churches made up of almost 1.3 million members throughout the United States. Pepperdine University is autonomous from the Church of Christ, however, it celebrates and cherishes its relationship with the church. George Pepperdine believed that the Christian faith’s commitment to education, excellence, and humility would make a strong foundation for an institution of higher learning.

The current mission statement of the university states:”Pepperdine is a Christian university committed to the highest standards of academic excellence and Christian values, where students are strengthened for lives of purpose, service, and leadership.”Through the class requirements and spiritual opportunities on campus, Pepperdine works to uphold the highest standards of Christian values.

When Dean Wilburn interviewed me for a Pepperdine University faculty position twenty years ago, we discussed that I had been a member of a Church of Christ in Michigan. Today, Dean Wilburn owes everyone an explanation of how Pepperdine University has gone from a Christian-affiliated university to a university with a non-Christian faculty member promoting America’s evil communist terrorist enemies at Camp Ashraf, Iraq.

Duping a Catholic Foundation?

Pepperdine University’s posted biography of Daniel Pipes does not include an explanation of who made the decision to select a non-Christian visiting professor to promote Christian values using the name of the late William E. Simon, a prominent Catholic. The posted history and general purposes of the William E. Simon Foundation are:

Named after its principal benefactor, the William E. Simon Foundation supports programs that are intended to strengthen the free enterprise system and the spiritual values on which it rests: individual freedom, initiative, thrift, self-discipline and faith in God. The mission of the Foundation reflects the unique accomplishments of the individual for whom it is named, and the principles of a free society that have made these accomplishments possible.

The main charitable purpose of the Foundation is to assist those in need by providing the means through which they may help themselves. The charitable philosophy guiding the Foundation draws heavily on the thoughts expressed a century ago by Andrew Carnegie in The Gospel of Wealth, where he wrote,”In bestowing charity, the main consideration should be to help those who will help themselves; to provide part of the means by which those who desire to improve may do so; to give those who desire to rise the aids by which they may rise; to assist, but rarely or never to do all.”In implementing this philosophy, the Foundation seeks to fund programs which are effective in promoting independence and personal responsibility among those in need.–1


Daniel Pipes’ Lies

Daniel Pipes did include one truthful disclosure in his posted article, the illustration of the red communist flag of the MEK, “… a superannuated Marxist-Islamist terrorist cult.”

While Kenneth Timmerman has identified some of the lies in the article of Daniel Pipes, there are other lies:

1. Daniel Pipes repeated the MEK’s claim that they discovered Iran’s secret nuclear operations. While Alireza Jafarzadeh has made that MEK claim, there are others who claim that Israel’s Mossad made the discovery. With Daniel Pipes’ close ties to Israel, it should be possible for him to research at Mossad these conflicting claims.

2. Daniel Pipes failed to disclose the recent MEK’s knife attacks against opponents in France, an example of neoconservative lies about supporting democracy.

Cult leader Massoud Rajavi gives go-ahead to kill witnesses in European countries.

An open letter to the British Home Secretary Jacqui Smith

Anne Singleton, July 09, 2007

A communiqué was issued on June 07, 2007 by the Mojahedin Khalq Organisation (MKO)’s cult leader Massoud Rajavi, who has been a fugitive since the fall of Saddam Hussein in Iraq.

In the communiqué, Rajavi names three people, including myself, who are witnesses in the on-going investigation against the cult by the French Judiciary, and specifically describes them as”the agents of the Iranian secret services”. For those familiar with the MKO cult, this is clearly understood to be Rajavi’s method of issuing a death sentence to be carried out by his followers.

On June 17, 2007 over 50 people associated with the MKO cult lay in wait to attack a public meeting in Paris at which the three persons mentioned above were among the invitees. It was later revealed that the attack had been orchestrated from the MKO cult HQ in Auvers-sur-Oise. According to French police, the assailants in this violent attack had been transferred to France from other European countries. None had French documents, some had false documents. The attackers also filmed their activities at the scene. This was reminiscent of the series of orchestrated self-immolations following the arrest of the cult leader’s wife Maryam Rajavi in June 2003, which were also filmed by the cult’s activists.

There is evidence that at least some part of the military-style operation on June 17 had targeted the three individuals named in Massoud Rajavi’s recent communiqué in an assassination attempt. The incident is currently being investigated by French police.

There is clear evidence that some of those involved in the violent attack were MKO militants trained by Saddam Hussein in Iraq who had been sent directly from Camp Ashraf to European countries in the past few months. Camp Ashraf is of course guarded by the American Army in Iraq. Following the capture of Camp Ashraf terrorist base in 2003, US officials – both military and civil – processed all the captured combatants, taking DNA and fingerprint evidence and issuing them with ID cards. Several of these people have been recently seen in the UK, Germany, France and Netherlands participating in MKO activities in the EU.

It is clear that responsibility for the lives of people attacked by a terrorist organisation which is apparently favoured by some Israeli lobbies and neo-conservative circles to be used to carry out terrorist acts against Iranians, Iraqis and others, cannot be laid at the door of the cult itself, but must rest with the people who have been maintaining them as a terrorist force whether in Iraq or in Europe and North America. Those who have refused to dismantle the MKO’s infrastructure and continue to support them financially as well as loosening their leashes in western countries will be held accountable for any harm which comes to those either directly named and threatened by Massoud Rajavi or to any others who are harmed by implication.

Yours Sincerely,

Anne Singleton.


Mrs Michele Alliot-Marie, French Interior Minister

Dr Wolfgang Schauble, German Interior Minister

Ms Dr Guusje Ter Horst, Netherlands Interior Minister

Dr Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State, USA


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