A Mob Rented for the Cameras

Kenneth R. Timmerman’s recent article No Second Marriages in Iran published in FrontPageMagazine at the first look seems to be disparaging MKO’s extravagantly advertised flamboyant show held in Paris on 30 June. But, regardless of his ever remaining skeptical of MKO’s deeds and claims, his remarks lack nothing of the truth. I think that his article dismisses doubts concerning the real intention of the cult concealed behind staging such multi-media shows now that the group encounters the gravest impassable stalemate in its entire political struggle. And, of course, one unfamiliar with MKO’s artful tricks really gets puzzled to see how a blacklisted terrorist group dupe, buy or does whatever trick to gather a mob of considerable number in a Western capital wherein its activities are banned.

Although one may be disappointed to see how a number of political activists in the West for certain political or personal concerns dance with a terrorist group, but it is so encouraging to notice a great more are well acquainted with the group’s treacherous and misleading moves. If one buries his head under the sand, of course, there are people standing there laughing at him. In no water can Mojahedin wash the blood stains of their past atrocious terrorist crimes which are broadly exposed to the world. Here are excerpts from Mr. Timmerman’s article to read for yourself:

MEK organizers staged a multi-media extravaganza recently at a gigantic exhibition hall on the outskirts of Paris that was worthy of Third Reich propagandists.

The MEK itself claimed that 50,000 people attended the June 30 event. Even their supporters, however, knew the number was inflated and settled on 20,000. The normally level-headed Daniel Pipes, who attended the event, failed to ask how many of those who came to the rally had been paid by MEK recruiters, a common practise I exposed two years ago in covering a much smaller rally in New York.

The MEK has always been able to rent a crowd for the benefit of TV cameras and naïve Western commentators.

Where they have not succeeded, however, is to convince their fellow Iranians that they have discarded the Marxist-Islamist ideology that made them join forces with Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979, when they helped to round up senior officers in the Iranian military for execution by the Islamist komitehs.

Pipes noted that the “slick production” outside Paris was “aimed mostly at an audience outside the hall, especially in Iran,” with the goal of “reminding Iranians that an alternative does exist to today’s theocracy.”

The only problem is that the MEK does not represent an “alternative” to the Islamic regime, but just another flavor of tyranny.

After the group lost its power struggle with Khomeini in 1981 they fled to Iraq, where Saddam Hussein welcomed them with open arms.

He allowed the MEK to establish training camps near the Iranian border, and used MEK units to smash the Kurds in northern Iraq. (And if you believe all the rented names of so-called Iraqi tribal leaders who sign those full-page ads in American newspapers calling for the U.S. to support the MEK, just ask Iraqi president Jalal Talabani what he thinks of the group.)

In April 1988, MEK leader Massoud Rajavi and his political ‘wife,” Maryam, announced the coming liberation of Iran and sent their Iraq-based troops across the border into Iran.

The intended “liberation” quickly turned to disaster. Although there were no Revolutionary Guards or even regular Iranian army units in the vicinity, the MEK were so hated by Iranians that old men and young boys killed the invaders with pitchforks.

Thousands were slaughtered in a matter of days and the Rajavi’s liberation “army” never recovered. (That didn’t prevent these masters of Nazi-style propaganda from claiming a huge victory, even parading about afterwards in “captured” Iranian tanks that had been loaned to them by Saddam Hussein).

When making a revolution, it is critical to choose one’s allies well. This is a group that openly boasts of having murdered Americans, and that aspires to dictatorial power in Iran. Their track record is clear.

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