Letter from the CEO of Nejat Society to the Albania PM

Following the hacking of Tehran’s municipal systems and disruption of “My Tehran” and surveillance camera networks, the source of which was reported after an investigation to be in Albania, the CEO of the Nejat Society wrote a letter to the Prime Minister of the Albanian government in this regard. The text of the letter is as follows:

Mr. Edi Rama
Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania

On behalf of the families of the members trapped in the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) camp in Albania, I have written many times to you and other officials of the Republic of Albania, asking to have the right to communicate with their loved ones after decades of separation and not knowing their status. But unfortunately I have not received any response so far.

The Government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Albania have unfortunately taken hostile positions towards the awaiting families and refused to issue visas to them, even to the families of those members of the MEK who have separated from this cult and are living in a free world.

The level of influence of the MEK in the Albanian government, which was brought to your country from the beginning apparently for humanitarian reasons, is inconceivable and apparently is not limited to refusing visas to Iranians, but also sabotaging acts against the interests of the Iranian people.
Hacking of Tehran municipal systems is the latest of such cases. In the past, similar cases have been observed regarding gas stations and etc. against the interests of Iranians, the source of all of which, after conducting the necessary research, has been reported to be in Albania.

It is clear that such actions from within your country, which are clearly carried out by the MEK, are considered an obvious enmity with the Iranian nation, and it is very unfortunate that the hostile work of your government, influenced by the presence of the MEK, have gone beyond the family of the captives in the Rajavi Cult and extended to the entire Iranian people.

The authorities of the Republic of Albania may have considered interests and seen benefits in this work, but certainly this way of coming under the domination and influence of a foreign terrorist group, which is claimed to have been brought to Albania with humanitarian intentions, will not gain prestige and dignity for Albania, which desires to join the European Union.

The friendly advice of the families to the Albanian government is to announce, in order to show goodwill to the Iranian people, that the issuance of visas to Iranian citizens to visit their relatives in Albania, of whom they have been unaware for years, is unimpeded and thus determine their non-affiliation with a terrorist group that is hated by all Iranians.

Ebrahim Khodabandeh,
Nejat Society CEO
Tehran Iran

Copy to:
Minister of Interior of Albania
Albanian Foreign Minister
ASILA (Association for Supporting Iranians Living in Albania)
The Media

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