Plans to dismantle terrorists’ alliances

When you sit at same table with people you have taken an oath of loyalty, of course you try to do something in sympathy with them in the vicissitude of fortune. Before being officially settled in Iraq, MKO had proved their loyalty to Saddam and Ba’ath Party working as a fifth column even before the initiation of war between Iran and Iraq according to secretly videotaped documents by Iraqi Estekhbarat. Saddam’s collapse could in no way be regarded as the end of standing by the ideologically bound commitment endorsed by MKO and the Ba’ath Party.

Instigation of a widespread social chaos, following the formation of a solid Iraqi government after the fall of the dictator, by the remnants of Ba’ath Party and Saddam’s loyalists and mercenaries is the prime threat against Iraq’s state and social integrity. Reporting on the increasing terrorist operations in al-Khles area and the ongoing collaboration of MKO with the remnants of Saddam’s regime, Al-Sabah Newspaper quoted the member of council of Diyala province, Najm al-Rabiee, saying: "Aziz al-Faraj is at the centre of accusations; he is the son-in-law of Ezzat Ibrahim al-Dowri, the second man in Saddam’s regime. Aziz al-Faraj is the leader of terrorist operations in the area. He has been directly invited by the MKO and uses the protection of this organization”.

The solution to the problem is a decisive decision to disintegrate the union of the old alliances especially in Diyala province, a task the Iraqi government is determined to accomplish with the cooperation of the province Council. Welcoming the plan to terminate the terrorist operations, al-Rabiee said: "Diyala’s Council has proposed a plan to remove terrorists from the province, which completes Baghdad’s security plan. People and tribes of the province have welcomed the plan that would begin from border areas and Baqubah, spreading to the whole province. It’s aimed at blocking terrorists’ infiltration to the province”.

To confront contacts between leading dissident factions mainly made in the course of conferences and gatherings organized by MKO in Camp Ashraf, the Iraqi government has declared a ban for Iraqis to visit the terrorist bastion. The Diyala Council’s proposed plan is the next essential step to fulfill the former. For sure, the next measures will gradually quell the escalated disorder by the terrorists that regard peace and tranquility a threat against their shared interests.

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