ASILA holding book fairs across Albania

The Association for the Support of Iranians Living in Albania (ASILA) hold their book fair around Albanian territory. Last week, both Iranian and Albanian members of ASILA set up book stands presenting the books published by the association’s publication in Pogradec and Korçë.

to download the video file click here.

The books included the autobiography of Rahman Mohammadian, former member of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK). In his book, he explains how he was taken as a POW by Iraqi forces and then he was deceived into the MEK and was taken as hostage in the MEK’s camps for over 30 years.

The main objective of ASILA is to aid the rank and file of the MEK who can manage to escape the cult-like atmosphere of the group, get deradicalized and build a normal life outside the group. Moreover, the book stands run by ASILA is aimed to create cultural exchanges and closeness between the Iranian and Albanian nations and to illuminate Albanian public about the threat of MEK cult in their country.

ASILA’s previous book fair in Duress region, north of Tirna was attacked by agents of the MEK.

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