State Terrorism and the Black History of the Mujahedin-e Khalq; specialized meeting

Terror Spring Panel

TerrorSpring Foundation plans to hold a specialized meeting in two sections titled “State Terrorism and the Black History of the Mujahedin-e Khalq” with the presence of international thinkers in order to reveal the terrorist face of the MEK, on the occasion of the Day of Fighting with Terrorism.

Terror Spring Panel


– Mr. Gjergji Thanasi from Albania regarding the illegal and terrorist actions of the terrorist group of MEK in Albania
– Mr. Daniele Perra from Italy on the issue of the relationship between Iran and Italy and the terrorist activities of the MEK
– Dr. Olsi Jazexhi from Malaysia on the topic of state terrorism and supporters of the terrorist group of the MEK
– Dr. Robert Fantina from Canada on the topic of state terrorism and US actions in supporting terrorist groups
– Mr. Yaqub Meraji from France on the subject of the terrorist actions of the MEK and their black history
– The first part on August 30 at 14:00 Iran time
– The second part on August 30 at 15:00 Iran time

You can watch this ceremony through the live Instagram of TerrorSpring Foundation at the address of :

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