Video conference on “State Terrorism and the Black History of Mujahedin-e Khalq”

Terror Spring Panel

The specialized meeting of State Terrorism and the Black History of Mujahedin-e Khalq was held by Terror Spring foundation that seeks to introduce the real face of the terrorist group of the group. The video conference was hosted by Alirez Niknam.

Dr. Olsi Jazexhi, the Albanian historian and university professor from Malaysia spoke on the topic of state terrorism and supporters of the terrorist group of the MEK. He discussed the likely links between the MEK and the Israeli intelligence service, Mossad. Regarding the increasing defection of MEK members from the group after it was relocated in Albania, Dr. Jazexhi believes that the Albanian government including the Albanian Counter terrorism Police cooperate with the MEK to intimidate and harass the group’s defectors. According to the Albanian scholar the MEK has established a state with in a state.

Daniele Perra, the Italian journalist discussed the relationship between Iran and Italy and the terrorist activities of the MEK. Other speakers of the conference were Gjergji Thanasi, the Albanian journalist and university lecturer and Robert Fantina the Canadian journalist who specialized on the US and MEK links. Yaqub Meraji, former member of the MEK also joined the conference from France.

First section of the meeting:

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Second section of the meeting:


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