Aljazeera interview Olsi Jazexhi on the MEK terror group in Albania

Following the Albanian government’s decision to sever diplomatic ties with Tehran, Aljazeera TV channel interviewed Dr. OLsi Jazexhi, the Albanian historian and university professor on the MEk’s presence in Albania.

Dr. Jazexhi confirmed that the decision of the Albanian prime minister is not actually related to the alleged cyberattack. Based on his evidences, since the Albanian government hosted the Mujahedin Kahlq terrorist organization in 2013, the group has carried out cyber-attacks and even terrorist attacks against the Islamic Republic of Iran.

According to Dr. Jazexhi, as a paramilitary organization the MEK should be treated as a Daesh or other terrorist extremist groups but the Albanian government has not did so. Instead, the terrorist of the MEK have been hosted by the Albanian government under the support of the US government.

As he explains, the Albanian government have no access to inside the MEK camp which keeps its members behind its bar.

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