MEK defectors to visit Bektashi supreme Dervish

MEK defectors to visit Bektashi supreme Dervish

Members of the Association for the Support of Iranians living in Albania (ASILA), visited the Bektashi supreme Dervish in Korçë, a city in eastern Albania. As several members of ASILA are Muslim Iranians who defected the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK), visiting the leader of an Islamic movement is considered an act towards closer religious and cultural interactions between Iranian and Albanian nations.

Iranian founders and members of ASILA who are former members of the MEK are dedicated to support defectors of the group in order to live a normal life in the Albanian society. In order to accomplish their mission, they are supposed to build cultural relationships with the Albanian society. Respecting the culture of the host society including Bektashism, as a Shia Islamic Sufi Order in Albania, leads to more efficient and effective efforts of the activists of ASILA.

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