Albanian government threaten the wives of MEK defectors not to legally complain

Following the detention of six Iranian refugees in Albania, their wives were threatened not to appeal in the Albanian court. The arrest took place under the request of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization of which the arrested men had defected.

Albanian historian and journalist, Olsi Jazexhi tweeted about the detention of a number of Iranian members of ASILA(Association for the support of Iranians living in Albania). These people who are defectors of the MEK were placed under “administrative detention” by the Ministry of Interior of Albania, as Jazexhi puts, because they denounced the cult of Maryam Rajavi.
As Jazexhi reports, the agents of the Albanian government warn the remaining defectors not to ask for rights, since Edi Rama’s Police may put even them in the Karrec detention center. “Edi Rama’s thugs don’t want the issue of Iranian refugees to become internationalized,” he suggests. “They want to break the rejectionists of Rajavi one by one.”

Olsi Jazexhi tweets on detention of
six MEK former members: are Hassan Heyrani, Mehdi Souleimani, Reza Shekari, Ehsan Bidi, Hassan Shahbazi and Ali Hajari

According to Dr. Jazexhi, the six detained refugees are Hassan Heyrani, Mehdi Souleimani, Reza Shekari, Ehsan Bidi, Hassan Shahbazi and Ali Hajari who have been illegally put under detention. He asserts that the act of Edi Rama’s government is against the Albanian law because they are not given permission to defend themselves in the court. He suggests that Police raids and paid media articles by MEK did not succeed to prove the claims of Rajavi that the defectors are “Iranian spies” and thus Edi Rama’s regime has finally decided to illegally remove the humanitarian asylum of MEK defectors and put them in “administrative detention”.

Mehdi Soleimani Asylum Permission

Hassan Heirani Asylum Permission

As an American-backed entity, the Cult of Rajavi, has tried to jail defectors of MEK for the past 4 years but has failed, since Albanian prosecutors could not find anything illegal in their records. In July 2022 the group intrigued the Albanian counterterrorism police to raid homes of the defectors. The Police did not find anything illegal there.
Dr. Jazexhi correctly notifies that Hassan Heyrani has been instrumental on revealing to the world the troll farm which MEK has in Manza, Albania, protected by the Albanian government. Heyrani revealed to the intercept fake identities including Heshmat Alavi and other trolls which MEK propaganda machine uses to spread fake news. Heyrani was interviewed by the BBC World, the Intercept, Al Jazeera English, BBC Persian and other international media outlets. “He and Hassan Shahbazi have been instrumental on revealing to the outside world the crime, corruption, violence and terrorism within the Mujahedin camp,” he writes.

Olsi Jazexhi tweets

He warns that the illegal detention of Iranian refugees in Albania is a gift which Edi Rama regime gives to “Maryam Rajavi’s mujahedin army”. Hassan Heyrani and his comrades have been very successful on liberating and facilitating the escape of many Iranians from the MEK’s camp of Manza, in north of Tirana.
“While in Saddam’s Iraq, the MEK leaders would usually kill defectors, in an Israeli-backed Albania, the Rajavi cult is using the Albanian Police to lock in prison those Iranians who dare to refuse to do terrorism on behalf of the Rajavi cult”, Jazexhi tweeted.

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