Senator Richard Black: Mujahedin-e Khalq is a very tarnished organization

Senator Richard Black

The history of the United States of America supporting terrorist groups is too long that it is like a black book that the blood of innocent people drip from its pages. One of these terrorist groups is the group of Mujahedin-e Khalq known as MEK/MKO/PMOI/NCRI, that has killed thousands of people since its establishment which if we want to mention only a few cases, we can mention the killing of 12 thousand Iranians and 4 thousand Iraqi Kurds. This terrorist group, which now claims human rights, is not even able to comply human rights for its own members. There have been repeated reports of blatant human rights violations by large American institutions from this cult, as an example, in the report of the RAND Institute, it is mentioned that this group is a cult and there are forced divorces in this group are reported, anyone who intends to leave MEK would be tortured, brainwashed and executed. A group that takes the killing of babies and children as its honor in the way that during the attack on Iran in Operation Forough Javidan, when passing through the border villages, they bet on the fetuses of pregnant women, and then they tore open the women’s bellies, took them out of women’s wombs to find out their gender, and then they kill the mother and the child in cold blood. These are only a very small part of the crimes of the MEK, in the continuation of knowing this cult, we have an interview with Senator Richard Black, the Republican senator of the US Senate.

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Honorable Senator, considering the presence of the terrorist group of the MEK in the list of foreign terrorist organizations of the US State Department (FTO) and the killing of 6 American advisers by them in Iran, but the United States removed this group from the list of FTO in 2012 and has cooperated with them against the Islamic Republic of Iran. How do you evaluate this relationship? Why does the United States want to cooperate with this terrorist group?

yes the central intelligence agency feels like the greatest victory that they ever had in their history was driving the soviet union from Afghanistan by operation Cyclone which the US worked together with Saudi Arabia, we fielded an army of a third of a million terrorists, we trained them in Wahhabism the very violent version of Islam, and we did, we drove the soviet union from Afghanistan using this vast army that gave rise to many bad things including al-Qaeda which eventually flew the planes into the twin towers and the pentagon on 9/11, but I think, because of this victory within the CIA, I think that they became rather addicted to employing terrorist groups as an instrument of foreign policy and you can see that quite clearly within Syria where we have been unwavering supporters of al Qaeda in Syria even though al Qaeda were the ones who struck America on 9/11 and yet we have unwaveringly supported them because our objective is to overthrow the government of Syria we really don’t care how despicable the group is now with the MEK, you know I have no doubt that the CIA works with the MEK in establishing this small town where they have, three some say now it’s four thousand people whose its sole purpose really is to train and to carry out actions against Iran, I don’t like the idea of using terrorism as an instrument of American foreign policy, and yet I see it being done in a number of places, the MEK you know they were on the terrorist list they did a tremendous lobbying campaign, you know some people got paid considerable amounts of money to come out publicly in favor of them and eventually they were taken off the list of terrorist states but if you look at the time I think it was 2012 that they were de-listed as terrorists and the time frame is very important because we invaded Libya in 2011, we sent the CIA into Syria to commence the Syrian civil war, several months later, so we’re still into 2011. you look at 2012 see we have this succession and we know from general Wesley Clark who made this quite amazing statement that the pentagon had been given orders to overthrow seven middle eastern countries within the next five years and I mean there’s excellent video and it’s easily accessible, it was overly ambitious because it assumed that there would not be any great you know resistance from people but Iran was on that list and if you can see this was during the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton was very involved in it and they were putting in place all of these measures to begin to basically a general overthrow of the number of countries in the middle east, they got stuck in Syria, they discovered that the people there were very resistant and that created a barrier to their plans for Iran but delisting MEK in 2012. Remember 2011 2012 are all happening as part of this greater plan to overthrow these seven countries.
In your opinion, what is the benefit of the USA supporting groups like the MEK and how do you evaluate the future of this group?

I think that perhaps the United States had limited options with Iran and the MEK, it had a sort of a tainted reputation with the Iranian people, because you know, it had fought against Iran in the Iran Iraq war and people didn’t appreciate that and I think the problem for the MEK is that was an issue that united all Iranians where they said: you know we’re not going to speak in favor of a group that turned against our country when it was invaded by Iraq. so the MEK is a very tarnished organization, I don’t think they would be very effective but I think the reason that it’s favored is, partly you need to understand American politicians don’t have a depth of understanding about anything in the middle east they really don’t, the MEK I hear through the grapevine that uh they’re the opposition in Iran so yeah and besides they’re going to pay me fifty thousand dollars to give a speech hey I can use the money and so they give a species yeah okay MEK they’re great but I don’t see the MEK as being the future movers and shakers of political events that will be positive for Iran

Alireza Niknam, Global Times

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