Hassan Shahbazi to continue hunger strike for the seventh day

Hassan Shahbazi

Hassan Shahbazi, former member of the Mujahedin Khalq continues his hunger strike under detention in Albania. He did not end the hunger strike to protest his unjustified detention and the prohibition of contacting his family.

Shahbazi is one of the six members of the Association for the Support of Iranians Living in Albania (ASILA) who have been detained by the Albanian immigration and border police in Karrec detention center, in north of Tirana.

Hassan Shahbazi on hunger strike

In a short message written by Hassan Shahbaz and published by ASILA, he states, “I have not had any contact with my family, particularly my sick mother, for over thirty days so I will keep on hunger strike until I receive an answer from the Albanian immigration Police.”

The other detained members who had also gone on hunger strike ended the strike after the authorities of the camp allowed them to visit their Albanian wives, following the actions taken by their lawyer.

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