Greetings and regards to the Prime Minister of Albania, Mr. Edi Rama.
I, Sakineh Evaz-zadeh, mother of Ali Hajari, on behalf of myself and my family members, am expressing my complaint with you. As you and all of us know, your officials transferred my innocent son to the camp for illegal immigrants and did not allow him to leave or contact us. For more than 32 years, I have not seen my son who was captured in Camp Ashraf in Iraq and is now in Albania. He was trapped in the Rajavi cult for 28 years, and after he was released from the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK, MKO), your government did not allow us to visit him, and yet I was satisfied that my son could live freely in your country. But apparently your government supports this organization and acts on the wishes of Maryam Rajavi.

The mother of Ali Hajari
Our children were not smuggled and did not illegally enter your country. The government of Albania, in agreement with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), officially accepted these people, and until now they have not had any demands except for a peaceful and safe life from you, the government and the people of Albania. During these years of living in Albania, they have not caused the slightest problem and they can be considered exemplary citizens.
But now that our children have saved themselves from the cultic relations of the MEK by their efforts and will, you have locked them up without any reason and without any charges. I ask you to send your officials to the workplace of my son Ali Hajari and ask all the Albanians who have been in contact with him, whether he has ever shown the smallest abusing and disrespect towards the people and government of Albania. If Ali Hajari’s presence in your country is illegal, then all the members of this organization should be expelled from Albania and their stay is illegal too.
In an interview, you stated that you sheltered members of the MEK as a humanitarian act. How is it that people who no longer wish to live under new slavery conditions in the MEK camp are not included in this humanitarian action. Have they committed a crime other than being in your country? If so, why don’t you try and punish them?
Finally, I request you to determine the status of my son Ali Hajari. If he has committed a crime, try and punish him. If not, how is it that humanitarian actions include the situation of Maryam Rajavi and the people trapped in her camp, but not those who did not want to be captured by her?
I anxiously look forward to hearing from you.
Sakineh Evaz-zadeh, the mother of Ali Hajari, former member of MEK in Albania