MKO Backlash against Al-Maliki’s Recent Remarks

On the eve of his visit to Tehran, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al- Maliki once more reiterated the expulsion of the terrorist MKO from Iraq. Speaking to Al-Iraqiya television on 6 August 2007, he said, “The presence of MKO in Iraq is detrimental to Iran’s security. This organization is in the list of terrorist organizations and its presence in our territory is tantamount to ignoring rules, regulations and the constitution.’

Al-maliki’s remarks have annoyed the terrorist group to such an extent that it could not hold back its indignation. In an angry backlash against al- Maliki’s statement, released by NCRI site, the group slanderously condemned him and other Iraqi officials:

There is hardly any doubt that Mr. Al-Maliki and other officials in his government are the main sources of the problems in Iraq as they endeavor to realize the sinister objectives of the Iranian regime. For this reason, a majority of Iraqis view the removal of the Al-Maliki government as the first step in improving the situation in Iraq. Currently, 17 cabinet ministers have boycotted the cabinet.

It is surprising that Mr. Al-Maliki described the presence of PMOI in Iraq as being detrimental to the security of the Iranian regime. It is not clear as to whether Mr. Al-Maliki’s first priority is to safeguard the security of the Iranian regime or that of the Iraqi people, who are being massacred and mutilated ruthlessly on a daily basis by the mercenaries of the religious fascism ruling Iran.

Of course, al-Maliki’s first priority is security of Iraqi people and it is accomplished if terrorism is uprooted and the terrorist groups, supported by the coalition forces, are expelled from Iraq. For sure, a neighbour country’s security guarantees its neighbours” immunity against threats and terrorist operations. It is a country’s right whether to grant asylum to the aliens or expel them if they threaten the social and political security and impudently condemn a national decision as tantamount to the perpetration of war crimes:

In light of the obligations and commitments of the Iraqi government to international laws, in particular International Humanitarian Law, the sacred right to asylum and the Geneva Conventions (specifically the common article 3 of the Conventions), any violation of these obligations as they relate to the residents of Ashraf City, and as suggested by Mr. Al-Maliki, is tantamount to encouraging the perpetration of war crimes. The National Council of Resistance will, therefore, take this case to international bodies.

The presence of MKO in Iraq is not consistent with the Iraqi constitution and laws and it is a responsibility that falls inside of the mandate of Al-Maliki and his government to confront terrorism, whether the terrorists like it or not.

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