Musa Damroodi’s letter to Albanian Prime Minister

The honorable Albanian Prime Minister,
I am Musa Damroodi and I declare my support for six of my friends who are members of the Association for the Support of Iranians Living in Albania (ASILA). My friends have not committed any illegal act in the Albanian territory. Their only fault is that they have revealed the truth about the cult of Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK). That’s it!
Therefore, the MEK is not able to tolerate the presence of ASILA in Albania. It cannot stand its defectors living a normal life in free world because it is anti-freedom ad anti-family. The MEK conspires against us constantly.

I am not scared of Rajavi’s nonsenses against us. That’s enough for me to be in prison. I was in Saddam Hussein’s POW’s camp for 4 years and I was under the mental, psychological and physical pressure in the cult of Rajavi for 29 years. I was not allowed to contact my family in all those 29 years of imprisonment in the MEK.
I ask the respectable Albanian government to free my friends as soon as possible.

Musa Damroodi – Member of ASILA

Musa Damroodi

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