Mansour Barahooei letter to Albanian Prime Minister

The honorable Prime Minister of Albania, Mr. Edi Rama,
I am Mansour Barahooei and I have lived in your country and enjoyed the love and kindness of your nation for seven years. God bless you and your people.

It is unfortunate that six of my friends who are members of the Association for the Support of Iranians living in Albanian (ASILA), have been taken to Karreç Detention Center by the Police of your country while they have not committed any crime. We and their families are concerned over their conditions.

Dear sir,
I demand you to take immediate action in order to release our friends. I am sure that you will give us a positive reply and make me, my friends in ASILA and the families of my detained friends happy.
Wishing you and the Albanian nation best wishes, I sincerely congratulate you and the people of your country on the year 2023 in advance.

Yours Truly,
Mansour Barahooei – Member of ASILA

Mansur Barahooei

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