Olsi Jazexhi’s thread on his twitter account on the situation of defectors of the Mujahedin-e Khalq who do not want to stay in the group any more:
The Soros backed regime of Edi Rama has succeeded to destroy the Iranian opposition to the cult of Maryam Rajavi in Albania. Many defectors of MEK now languish in jails or in the Karrec concentration camp.
SPAK and counterterrorism police of Edi Rama is trying hard to convince the Iranians of Karrec to make false statements against Hassan Heyrani and others, in exchange for their release from the camp. SPAK wants to create a fake excuse in order to legally jail the defectors of MEK
Iranian government and NGO-s must take back to Iran, any Iranian who has defected MEK and has renounced violent terrorism. If Iran does not want to do that – it must approach refugees and ask the agency to find a third country for Iranians who live in Albania.

MEK members’ at Camp Ashraf
Iranians who are forced to join MEK face years long slavery, isolation, separation from families, psychological torture, indoctrination, radicalization and many end as cannon fodder for Maryam Rajavi in her war against Iran. Human rights organizations must ask Edi Rama to stop this.
Albania is not a safe country for Iranians anymore. The collusion of Albanian counterterrorism police and security agencies with MEK has turned Albania into a no-go area for Iranians. Albanian officials force Iranians to join the MEK cult, something horrible and dreadful.
The counterterrorism police of Edi Rama have become a military gang in service of MEK and Maryam Rajavi. Edi Rama is acting like Saddam Hussein and its counterterrorism police is supporting MEK like the Iraqi fedayeen protected MEK thugs in Iraq in the past.
By using its Albanian agents within the ASILA organization in Tirana, counterterrorism police is trying to silence all the remaining Iranians and turn them against Hassan Heyrani and Albanian journalists who expose the plight of Iranian defectors to the media.
While in the previous years MEK used its own vigilantes to attack Canadians, Albanians and Iranians, now MEK no longer needs to do that. Nowadays the Albanian counterterrorism police does the intimidation, persecution and harassment on behalf of MEK.
Albanian counterterrorism police and SPAK has not prosecuted a single MEK terrorist for their violent attack against Durresi’s book fair in August 2022. However, all Iranians who attended this book fair and were attacked by MEK – are in detention or jail.