Albania awaits unrest

Reports from Albania indicate that the opposition (a coalition of parties of former Albanian leaders Sali Berisha and Ilir Meta) has planned a massive demonstration for Saturday, February 11, 2023, which is expected to be similar to the one that was well received a few months ago,
The relevant report adds that “there is a possibility – which is not a small possibility – that the demonstration will not only meet with public favor, but will subsequently cause civil unrest and a rapid and serious deterioration of public order not only in Tirana but throughout Albania”.

It has also been reported that several foreign embassies of NATO member countries are updating the list and contact phone numbers of their citizens residing in Albania. Such an open act is a clear sign that they are preparing to evacuate their nationals from Albania.

The report states: “A 1997-style collapse of public order may only be a possibility. But if the police disappear from the streets and the central authority is reduced, perhaps even some of the prisoners of the Mojahedin-e Khalq camp will be able to take advantage of this opportunity and escape. I believe that the evacuation of the Iranian hostages who are living in the camp of illegal immigrants is not far off.”

It should be noted that the Albanian opposition leaders, who are included in the US and UK sanctions list, are constantly accused by Prime Minister Edi Rama and the Albanian state media, as well as Israel and the Israeli media, of having connections with Iran.

“Sot”, Israel’s media organ in Albania titled “Voice of Israel”, which has a very close relationship with the MEK, always attacks the Albanian opposition leaders.

On the other hand, “Home Justice” has made new revelations against the government, police and the security apparatus of Albania by presenting documents which the public prosecutor’s office deems the publication of such documents to be punishable.

The significant closeness of Edi Rama’s government to Saudi Arabia and Israel and their material, promotional and political support in recent months has attracted the attention of many international observers and they consider it as a sign of the weakening of the foundations of the current government of Albania

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