Ali Hajari to visit his new-born daughter after a month

Ali Hajari could visit his wife and his new-born daughter a month after she was born. Hajari who has his first child, Alisa, at the age of 59 is a former member of the Mujahedin-e Khalq MEK) and a current member of the Association for the Support of Iranians Living in Albania (ASILA). He has been detained in the refugee detention center Karrec for five months.

In the first visit with his baby, Hajari addresses his former friends inside the MEK’s camp in Manez, Albania. He tells them, “I built a new life after I left the MEK. Although I am in detention now, I have a calm life and I hope that I will soon get back to my family to enjoy a peaceful life with them.”

Marriage is forbidden for members of the MEK. The entire members of the group are deprived from the right to get married and to have children. A large number of defectors of the Cult of Rajavi got married and have children after they left the group. Ali Hajari was deprived from these rights until his fifties. He just was able to enjoy his basic human rights after he left the group five years ago.

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