Erisa Idrizi (Rahimi), one of the Albanian members of the Association for the Support of Iranians Living in Albania (ASILA), who has mastered the Persian language during this time, organized a conference on the occasion of International Women’s Day in Tirana, the capital of Albania, with the participation of a group of prominent Albanian women. This conference was held on Wednesday, March 8 in order to show the anti-family and anti-woman nature of the MEK to the public opinion of this country.

Naime Gjongecaj, a political and women’s rights activist and ERISA Rahimi from ASILA
In this conference, Mrs. Naime Gjongecaj, a political and women’s rights activist and parliamentary candidate in Albania, also participated and gave a speech. Ms. Soraya Abdollahi also connected online from Iran and gave a speech, which was translated by Mrs. Rahimi for the audience.
Ms. Abdollahi’s words and her tears greatly affected the audience because they were not aware of the anti-women and anti-family nature of the Rajavi terrorist cult and they became familiar with the fact that this cult, contrary to all standards of human rights, denies its members’ contact with their families. Following Ms. Abdollahi’s words, Mrs. Rabia Zainli and her daughter Kamila Zainli also spoke.
In this gathering, which was held with official permission, television and media persons also participated, who prepared and reported films, photos, and news. Also, in this conference, the activities of the Iran Nejat Society, which is an association supporting the rights of the families of members caught in the Rajavi terrorist cult, were mentioned, and the attendees were also introduced to the activities of this society.
By Atefeh Nadalian