“Terrorist Threats” Inspirations of the Rajavi Cult

The MEK: Masters of Propaganda

According to the received information, the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) has advised the Albanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a letter not to issue visas to young Iranian weightlifters who are preparing for the world championships in Durres.

In this treasonous letter, it is claimed that information has been obtained from several reliable sources that IRGC Quds Force agents have accompanied Iranian weightlifters under the guise of a doctor, trainer, coach, etc., and are planning to enter Albania under this cover, in order to carry out terrorist attacks against the headquarters of the MEK.

It has also been reported that the government of Albania, under the pressure of the Zionist lobby, has transferred this ridiculous claim of the Rajavi terrorist cult to the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) and requested that the Iranian weightlifters should not participate due to the aforementioned reasons, but the federation did not accept such an argument and did not agree with this request.

Although it has not been agreed to withhold the issuance of visas, it seems that under the pressure of the quisling parts of the Albanian government and the Zionist lobby, they have managed to force the IWF to hold the opening ceremony of the championship in Tirana. The start time of the tournament will probably be changed from March 25 to March 24.

the World Youth Championship

The Rajavi cult is trying to make itself appear important with these Zionist style inspirations under the title of “terrorist threats”, which is well known all over the world, and in this way gain credibility and also keep its brainwashed forces in captivity and control and also divert attention from actions against Iranian weightlifters.

It should be noted that according to the program announced by the IWF, the World Youth Championship will be held from March 25 to April 1, 2023 in Durres, Albania, and the Iranian national youth weightlifting team, including boys and girls, will compete in this field.

The Albanian government should keep in mind that the Rajavi Cult, whose enmity with Iran and Iranians has been proven over the past years and is strongly hated by the people of Iran and even the opponents of the Islamic Republic, will take action against Iranian athletes. Therefore, the security authorities of Albania should be alert so that there is no threat from the agents of the Rajavi terrorist cult to Iranian athletes.

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