In recent days, we got to know the names of two famous ladies during the activities of the Association for the Support of Iranians Living in Albania (ASILA) in Tirana. Two Albanian women, each of whom has a long track record in political and human rights activities and are still active in these fields.
These two women have appeared many times on television channels inside and outside Albania and have interviewed and commented on various issues. It is interesting that both of them, according to their own statements, were repeatedly referred by the operatives of the Rajavi terrorist cult and happened to know the name of ASILA through this way.
Ms. Elsa Ballauri, a Canadian-Albanian activist and president of the Albanian Human Rights group, who recently had meetings and discussions with ASILA officials, and Ms. Naime Gjongecaj, a women’s rights activist and parliamentary candidate, who participated on the ASILA’s ceremony on the occasion of the international women’s day and also got acquainted with Nejat Society.
These two, who were familiar with the so-called ten-point plan of Maryam Rajavi, when became aware of the extent of oppression of women within the cultic and anti-family relationships of the MEK, realized the depth of hypocrisy and deception of the Rajavi cult and emphasized that the Albanian society must definitely know that their country is hosting a terrorist cult that, above all, violates the most basic human rights of its own members.
Ms. Elsa Ballauri, President of AHRG:

Ms. Ballauri ‘s meeting with ASILA members

Meeting with Ms. Ballauri at the office of ASILA

Meeting in Ms. Ballauri’s office
Ms. Naime Gjongecaj, candidate for parliament:

Ms. Gjongecaj’s interview with ABC network

Ms. Gjongecaj while speaking at the 8th of March meeting of ASILA in Tirana

Ms. Gjongecaj with Erisa Rahimi from Asila
By Atefeh Nadalian