What Nejat Families want on the Int. Red Cross Day

Nejat families sit in ,in front of the ICRC office in Tehran

Members of Nejat Society used the occasion of May 8th, the International Day of Red Cross to call on the world for the release of their loved ones. Families of hostages of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK/ PMOI/ Cult of Rajavi) are members of Nejat NGO who have been looking forward to visiting their loved ones in the group, for decades.

Since the establishment of Nejat Society, families have taken numerous actions to attract attention of the world to the humanitarian crisis that members of the Cult of Rajavi are faced with. When the group was in Iraq, families used to travel there to hold sit-ins in front of the gates of Camp Ashraf and Camp Liberty.

However, they were never allowed by the MEK leaders to visit their loved ones. Through loudspeakers they called the names of their children and asked them to leave the group. This was the slightest chance to show their love to their loved ones who are mentally and physically barred from the outside world by the Rajavis. And this action worked in many cases. Several members of the cult eventually left the group during the next years. Their process of defection from the Cult of Rajavi had started after they had heard their names cried by their suffering family members through loudspeakers.

Today, far from the Iranian border, members of the MEK are still isolated in the group’s headquarters called Ashraf 3, in Manez, a village in north of the Albanian capital, Tirana. Families are not granted visa to travel to Albania due to the group’s corrupted links in the Albanian government. Thus, they must use every opportunity to make the international human rights bodies hear their voice for help.

Nejat families sit in ,in front of the ICRC office in Tehran

Nejat families sit in ,in front of the ICRC office in Tehran

Nejat families sit in ,in front of the ICRC office in Tehran

Yesterday’s sit-in by the heart-broken parents and grieving brothers and sisters of the MEK hostages in front of the office of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Tehran was another step forward. They demanded the authorities to step in and aid them to contact and visit their beloved family members taken as hostages by the MEK leaders.

ASILA members’ gathering in front of the ICRC office of Tirana

ASILA members’ gathering in front of the ICRC office of Tirana

Nejat Society has a complement in Albania. ASILA, the Association for the support of Iranians Living in Albania is somehow a branch of Nejat in Albania. ASILA was established by some of the Albanian citizens and former members of the MEK who previously left the group in Albania. On May, 8th, 2023, they also gathered in front of the ICRC’s office in Tirana.

Carrying placards and pictures of their loved ones and their friends, members of Nejat and ASILA asked the authorities of the ICRC to take immediate action to stop violation of human rights against members of the MEK, hostages of Massoud and Maryam Rajavi.

Their demands include the followings:
They should be granted the right to contact and visit their loved ones in the MEK.
The right of MEK members to take asylum should be observed by the Albanian government.
The MEK leaders should be compelled to stop violating the human rights of their members.

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