Attack, explosion and fire, keywords of the MEK propaganda

The Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MEK/ PMOI) has picked armed struggle as its method of bringing freedom for the Iranian people for over half a century. During its entire existence the MEK leaders have beaten on war drums. They are still proud of “standing by” their strategy. The propaganda media of the group is the proof.

Although the MEK, for only a short period of time claimed that it has denounced violence to run its lobbies for delisting from the US and EU’s list of terrorist organizations, it never gave up violence literally and practically. The group’s websites and TV channels broadcast the news of violent acts by the so-called MEK’s resistance units on daily basis. The news stories are supplemented with videos and photos of explosion and fire in different locations all around Iranian cities.

Since the beginning of “Woman, Life, Freedom” movement in Iran, the MEK’s content producers have enhanced their activities working with a mix of words, images, videos, and other media using keywords including “armed struggle”, “explosion”, “invasion”, “fire” to create content for the group’s websites, TV channels and social media pages.

The MEK Rebel Unit

A lot of articles written, in Persian, by MEK writers emphasize on the necessity of using violence to fight the Iranian government. Their fallacy is supplemented with the news pics attributed to resistance units. In some photos and videos, the agents of resistance units even carry weapons boasting of fighting the Islamic Republic. A very quick review on the MEK-run media demonstrate that violent act is a part of the group’s functions.

According to the Geneva Convention IV, all measures of intimidation and terrorism are prohibited. The international community generally admits that terrorism in all its forms and manifestations is one of the most serious threats to peace and security in human communities. Every terrorist operation, regardless of its motive, time, place and perpetrators, is considered a crime.

Therefore, the MEK leaders who arrogantly announce that they and their followers are still standing by their violent strategy must be brought into justice for over five decades of committing numerous acts of violence against civilians killing thousands of them.

By Mazda Parsi

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