Ebrahim Khodabandeh letter to the Speaker of the Albania’s Parliament

Lindita Nikolla; Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Albania

To: Her Excellency Mrs. Lindita Nikolla
Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Albania

From: Ebrahim Khodabandeh
CEO of Nejat Society in Iran

Greetings and Regards
I am Ebrahim Khodabandeh, the CEO of Nejat Society in Iran, and I am writing to you on behalf of the families of the members trapped in the isolated and remote camp of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK, MKO, Rajavi Cult) in Albania. These families have been unaware of their loved ones for decades, because the Rajavi Cult does not allow its members to communicate with the outside world, especially with family and friends. For years, the Nejat Society has been trying to somehow make this connection between the families and their loved ones in the MEK camp in Albania possible in order to relieve them of their suffering and worries, but no success has been achieved yet.

I have written many times to the Albanian authorities, demanding an end to the severe violation of the most basic human rights of the members in the MEK camp in Manez, in Durres Province, Albania. The families have repeatedly requested some kind of communication with their loved ones, who are living in absolute isolation, in numerous letters over the years, but unfortunately, no response has been received yet. (A number of recent letters to Albanian statesmen are attached).

You may be aware that the MEK is preparing for its annual gathering in Albania. In this regard, a committee has been formed under the responsibility of Behzad Saffari one of the officials of the organization in Albania, which is in charge of communicating and meeting and inviting Albanian personalities to participate in the ceremony. For this purpose, invitations have been sent to the members of the Albanian parliament and meetings have been held. Some representatives have responded positively to this invitation and are going to participate in this gathering and support this terrorist cult.

It should be noted that participating in this program and supporting this cult means confirming the performance of this organization against the Iranian nation, against the Iraqi nation in the past, and against its own members. According to the testimony of the members separated from this organization, which are now living outside and inside Albania, this organization, by directing the terrorist cells known as rebel centers inside the country from its headquarters in Albania in a section called the Internal Headquarters, is responsible for targeting the security of Iran. Also, by creating a cyber army and troll farm in the headquarters and using the Albanian Internet network, MEK is engaged in psychological warfare against the Iranian nation. At the same time, His Excellency Mr. Edvin Rama, the honorable Prime Minister, has emphasized on several occasions that this group was accepted in Albania for humanitarian reasons and has no right to engage in political activity against the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The information obtained indicates that recently this organization has adopted strong defensive measures in its headquarters. The organization has purchased a considerable number of drones from a Turkish company and has also been equipped with anti-drone equipment. Inside the headquarters of this organization, which no Albanian official has the right to enter, bunkers and shelters have been created. Also, super strong cameras have been prepared that can read car numbers from a very long distance.

Recently, one of the security officials of the MEK, named Mehdi Baraii, alias Ahmad Vaqef, has stated inside the camp that they must be fully prepared for any eventuality and has publicly announced that the organization strongly feels threatened and endangered.

In her recent statements, Maryam Rajavi has announced that a new revolutionary storm is coming in Iran and the rebel centers are going to take extensive measures. Also, the officials of the organization have said that they should have a series of offensive operations inside the country before the annual gathering so that they can appear with strength in this meeting. In news, it is stated that about 100 members of the MEK in Albania, including Maryam Rajavi, are planning to go to Paris.

I have been a full-time official of the MEK for 23 years, and based on my knowledge of the mentality of the leaders of the organization, I have no doubt that these defensive and protective measures that are currently taking place inside their headquarters are for the purpose that the organization plans to carry out extensive terrorist activities, which are directed from Albania, inside Iran and prepares itself in advance for possible retaliatory measures.

Also, it is worthy knowing that the members of this organization, especially the officials and leaders, did not enter Albania with their real names and have fake identity documents. Maryam Rajavi and other officials of this organization frequently travel outside of Albania with fake identities and are politically active.

The kind of relationship that the government of Albania wishes to establish with the government of Iran, and the extent it wants to leave the hands of this organization open in the war with the nation and the government of Iran, and the degree it aims entering into this battle for pursuing any interests in this regard is not the subject of discussion for the families. What worries the families is that supporting this organization will be an incentive to suppress its own members and continue the suffering of the families. This organization, under the full support of the Albanian government, has been able to keep its members in complete isolation and cut them off from the outside world, especially their families. Therefore, from this point of view, my request on behalf of the families is to end the all-round and unhesitating support of this organization and force the leaders to recognize the human rights of their members, including the right to communicate with their families.

Ebrahim Khodabandeh
CEO of Nejat Society in Iran

Copy to:
Representatives in the Albanian Parliament
Albanian government officials
Security institutions and police

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