Letter from the legal affairs officer of Nejat Society to the Minister of Interior of Albania

Samad Eskandari wrote a letter to Bledar Çuçi

Samad Eskandari wrote a letter to Bledar Çuçi, the text of which is as follows:

Excellency, Mr. Bledar (Bledi) Çuçi
Honorable Minister of Interior Affairs of the Republic of Albania

Greetings and respect
I am Samad Eskandari, the legal affairs officer of Nejat Society and the attorney of 250 former members of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK, MKO, Rajavi Cult) who live in Iran. Each of the former members was trapped in this anti-human group for an average of 10 to 25 years under cultic suppression and brainwashing. We filed a complaint in the courts of Iran, and a final verdict was issued against the leaders of the Rajavi Cult.
Fortunately, with the overthrow of Saddam Hussein’s dictatorship in Iraq and the creation of suitable conditions, we managed to escape from Ashraf Garrison in Iraq and also from Albania. Due to the presence in this group for many years, each of us is a living document and eyewitness to recount the crimes of the leaders of the MEK in the past decades in Iraq and Albania.

The ideological structure of the MEK is based on the use of deception, violence, murder, torture, elimination of opponents, controversy, etc., and unfortunately, each and every one of us during the years of being in the MEK, only because of the request for the right to communicate with the free world and family, marry and form a family, and the most basic human rights, were subjected to torture, humiliation, and imprisonment by Masoud and Maryam Rajavi. The negative mental and physical consequences have remained as a very bitter experience in the minds and bodies of the members. This surely cannot be refundable .The MEK in Iraq was complicit with Saddam Hussein in killing Kurdish citizens in the north and Shiites in the south of Iraq, and each one of us is an eyewitness to these bitter realities. This organization has also started imprisoning, torturing and killing its disaffected members. After the overthrow of Saddam Hussein’s dictatorship, the Iraqi government filed a criminal case in the Supreme Central Criminal Court of Iraq to deal with the criminals and war crimes of the MEK, and issued a warrant to arrest Masoud and Maryam Rajavi and a significant number of their key leaders for prosecution. In this regard, Mr. Mowafq al-Rabiei, the national security advisor of the Iraqi government at the time, openly admitted in the presence of domestic and foreign journalists that the MEK were deployed in Iraq by Saddam Hussein, contrary to the laws of that time, and they joined in the suppression of the Iraqi people’s uprising in 1991, and participated in the massacre of Kurds and Shiites. The documents of this case are available in the judicial system of Iraq, and I request you to inquire about this matter from the Iraqi judicial system in order to discover the truth. Among the wanted persons is Abdol Vahab Farjinejad Jahormi, who entered Albania under the fake name of Ali Mostashari and died in the events of June 20, 2023.

Massoud and Maryam Rajavi in Iraq have personally ordered the torture and killing of Qorban Ali Torabi, Parviz Ahmadi, Mehdi Eftekhari and a large number of their members just because of opposing Rajavi and criticizing his policies and working methods. A large number of discontented members of the MEK, such as Karim Pedram, Khodam Golmohammadi, Alan Mohammadi, Minou Fathali, Marjan Akbari, Mehri Mousavi, Homa Bashardoust, Marjan Akbarian, Masoume Ghaibipour, and many others were killed suspiciously.

Yaser Akbari Nasab, as a child soldier who was forcibly transferred from Europe to the MEK garrison in Iraq, due to the growing physical and mental pressure and Maryam Rajavi’s obstruction of his departure, in front of the astonished eyes of everyone in Ashraf, set himself on fire using gasoline and died painfully. These are just a few of the crimes of the MEK under the leadership of Masoud and Maryam Rajavi, and listing all similar examples is beyond the scope of this letter.
I, as the legal representative of Nejat Society and the attorney of the former members of the Rajavi Cult, filed a lawsuit against Masoud Rajavi’s agents, for crime against humanity, through the 55th branch of Tehran International Court, according to file class 9900473 and ruling number 9909970237601145, and the official and definitive ruling was issued in 39 pages according to the available documents, and then the judicial systems of Albania and France came to the knowledge that the leaders and a number of key elements and agents of torture and killing of the MEK have been legally convicted. The second version of the ruling along with the documents of the crimes of the MEK in hundreds of pages was handed over to Mr. Ahmed Karim Khan, the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

(The letter sent by The Hague Court ICC)

You only witnessed a small part of the violent and inappropriate behavior of the leaders and operatives of the MEK on June 20 this year in Manëz. This is only a small part of the brutality of the MEK and beyond the law activities, and each one of us has bitter stories of this tragedy in our hearts, which will naturally become more apparent to the world if the nature of the MEK is heard.

Referring to the verdict issued by the Tehran International Court and as the attorney of the former members of the MEK, I will be proud to inform you about the true nature of this cult with the documents based on objective evidence in your country. After a little search and examining the past of the MEK in Iraq, you will realize that wherever they are in the world, they have brought nothing but chaos, division, anarchy and disorder to the host country.
The beautiful country of Albania has a strong affinity with Iran in terms of social, cultural, literary, historical and religious aspects. Those MEK members who separated from the MEK are organized in your country in the Association for the Support of Iranians Living in Albania (ASILA), along other former members in all parts of the world, are ready to appear in a court in Albania to testify against the MEK leaders for criminal acts.

In the end, I would like to make a request to your Excellency, and that is to deal with the situation of three Iranian asylum seekers who are members of ASILA in the Karrc camp, who after years of living in Albania and having wives, are now in captivity for many months without any explanation, which causes deep concerns of their families. I request that Mehdi Soleimani, Hassan Shahbaz, and Gholamreza Shekari be released as soon as possible. I would also like to draw your attention to the case of Mr. Bijan Pouladrag. I am not aware of his case, but I know that he had just left the MEK after so many years and was completely ignorant of the rules and regulations of the free world. My suggestion is that according to the existing conditions and as a humanitarian measure for his worried family who had not heard from him for years, you can pardon him.
Samad Eskandari,
Legal affairs officer of Nejat Society
June 22, 2023

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