Former child soldier of the MEK slam Maryam Rajavi

Mohammad Reza Torabi

Mohammad Reza (Ray) Torabi former child soldier of the Mujahedin-e Khalq, slammed Maryam Rajavi over the likely victimization of his relatives in the group’s camp. The MEK’s headquarters in Albania was raided by the Police over charges of fraud, organized crimes and human rights abuse.
Ray Torabi whose father was also a member of the MEK and was killed by the group’s torturers is now concerned over the life of his mother and aunts who are still taken as hostages in the group, under the rule of Maryam Rajavi.

During the raid by the anti-terrorism and anti-corruption Police of Albania on Camp Ashraf 3 on June 20th 2023, camp residents clashed with police forces. Albanian state police entered the camp in accordance with the warrant of investigation issued by the Albanian Judiciary. They seized dozens of computers throughout the raid although they were violently confronted by the residents.
Following the clashes that led to injuries for both sides, Ray Torabi posted a video on social media to warn about the threat by the side of the MEK leaders and commanders against their own members. He criticized those who consider the Police’s legal action as human rights violation. “Exactly because it is a human rights case, MEK supporters should stop advocating this group,” he said.

As a former member of the MEK, Ray is completely aware of the atmosphere of the group’s camps. “The Mujaheds have no image of the outside world,” he says. “They are coerced to stand against the Police. This is what happened in Iraq too. The group commanders sent us to clash with Police forces. The pushed us toward Iraqi soldiers. We told them, ‘They are shooting us!’, but they replied, ‘they are practice bullets.’” In July 2009 and in April 2011, dozens of MEK members were killed, paralyzed and wounded because of the same scenario.
Ray asserts that he is more worried over the health of Ashraf residents than anyone else because his mother and his aunts (a sister of his mother and two sisters of his deceased father) are in the camp. “I feel pity for them very much because I know what is going on inside the camp.”

He declares that he wants to be the voice of MEK members against commanders and leaders of the group. “Maryam Rajavi! I consider you responsible for the blood and the life of Mujahedin!” he addresses the leader of the MEK.

He also warns the MEK’s sympathizers. He tells them, “Come to your senses! The scene is the same scene. The country and the continent have changed but the MEK is the same MEK as it was in Iraq. It is the same MEK with the same rotten ideology, with the same leaders and commanders who do not value the lives of their members.”
“They even seek more blood and bloodshed in order to find a bargaining chip at their negotiation table with the West,” former child soldier of the MEK states.

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