If want war, run away from Albania; Rama warns the Mujahideen

Prime Minister Edi Rama has warned that the Mujahideen must leave Albania if they use our country to fight against the Iranian regime. The head of the government gave an interview to the German newspaper, Der Spiegel, where he said that the Iranians have repeatedly violated the agreement.

“We have had MEK in our country for several years. They are welcome but on the condition that they do not use Albania as a platform for their political operations. Our Iranian guests have repeatedly violated this agreement”, said Prime Minister Rama to Der Spiegel.

The head of the government says that Albania has no intention of being at war with the Iranian regime and that it does not accept anyone who has abused our hospitality.

“It was a life-saving operation. We opened our doors because the group, then operating from Iraq, was systematically followed. And if a friend like the US asks us for something, we feel honored. We understand the anger against the regime in their country. But our country is used as a trench in a war that is not ours, it does not work! Of course, they have every right to fight for their freedom, but to do this they must leave Albania,” added the head of the government.

The Prime Minister’s interview comes a few days after the State Police, by decision of the Special Court, conducted a search in the premises of the MEK camp in Manez.

Durreslajm.al – Translated by Nejat Society

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