The highest pitch of stupidity!

Mojahedin Khalq Organsation vow to continue violance and terrorism

If there has ever been any doubt about the possible degree of stupidity of mankind, today, with the brightness of folly shining brilliantly from the nominal head of the Mojahedin Khalq Organisation (who is currently confined by the US Army along with the remainder of the group in Camp Ashraf in Iraq), there should be no further doubt that humankind has crossed new frontiers even in this respect.

A new announcement by the nominal head of the Mojahedin Khalq (Rajavi cult) has opened up a new umbrella for all human beings under which all the great philosophers of the past can now live in peace and tranquillity. To what am I referring? It is the message issued by the cult under the name of Sedigheh Husseini responding to the imminent start of a court case into the assassination of Sayad Shirazi (a retired General from the Armed Forces of Iran) in which the family of the victim has filed complaints in the French courts.

The question here is not whether the assassinated General was a good man or not. The question is about the clear planning and ordering of the assassination of a man without any prosecution, trial or judgement an extrajudicial execution in other words. Now an organisation, which in its own propaganda declares that it is against execution, an organisation which sheds tears like a crocodile over the execution of rapists and mass murderers, has itself been the executioner in a murder case. And not by the order of a court. Not even by the accusation and verdict of its own members and leaders. No, the assassination was performed on the direct order of the secret services (Estekhbarat) of Iraq under the rule of Saddam Hussein. According to a clear, secretly filmed meeting and according to other documents Estekhbarat ordered the assassination and the Mojahedin Khalq of course claimed a hefty payment to spend on propaganda to launch and re-launch its brand, Maryam Rajavi, over and over again and portray her as the face of a" president in exile". (Fortunately, this time unlike on many other occasions in the history of Iran, after the fall of Saddam Hussein the overwhelming evidence of mercenary work conducted by Rajavi for Saddam has been exposed and documented.)

The MKO’s reaction to the revelation of the start of judicial proceedings, which are in effect putting the MKO itself on trial for the mercenary work it performed for Saddam Hussein, is very interesting.

You would have thought that the organisation would have no more than two choices. Either, to take an offensive position toward the court and the actions of supporting organisations. In this case they would declare the assassination of Sayad Shirazi as a historical point in its honourable history. (As the group did in the case of the execution of Kavoosi who was executed by the Iranian judiciary for may counts of rape and murder. The MKO proudly published his picture as a heroic Mojahed who was smiling when being executed.) The MKO would announce that it had assassinated him (as indeed it declared after assassination) and would do the same in the case of other assassinations.

Or the organisation would take a defensive position toward the court. In this case it would declare that "no, we did not do that" or would declare that "this was done without the leader’s order and we have punished the person responsible". (It has come to light that at least one of the assassins had fallen out with the MKO and has been killed in suspicious circumstances.)

But no, the Mojahedin Khalq did not take any of the above routes. They instead have chosen the stupid route under the name of Sadigheh Husseini (nominal leader of the MKO in Ashraf camp). She, completely overlooking the reality of the situation, has announced that they WELCOME the investigation as though the court being held to investigate the deeds of the assassinated victim. She has announced with great HAPPINESS that this court is necessary but not sufficient and it should investigate the deeds of many other people who have been assassinated by the Mojahedin Khalq.

Imagine that a murderer on trial for killing a man or a woman suddenly declares:

This court is necessary but is not sufficient. The court should be considering all the deeds of all the other victims whom I have killed. In fact the court should consider investigating the deeds of all the many I have yet to kill and haven’t had the time and the opportunity up to now.

A murderer might hope to evade the maximum sentence by claiming that his victims deserved to die, but would surely spend the rest of his or her life in a mental hospital under close supervision. But who knows? The declaration of the MKO may have been announced just to serve this very purpose of avoiding the maximum sentence on the grounds of insanity!


Kavoosifar, a convicted rapist and mass murderer who instead of going under psychological treatment was executed a few month ago, became the symbol of struggle for Mojahedin Khalq. Kavoosifar smied before execution and said he would do it again if he could.

(The MKO comment about the picture taken from Iranian newspapers reads: The smile of Eternal Victory over the henchmen)

Behzad Alishahi – Translated by Iran Interlink

Secretly filmed meeting between Massoud Rajavi and General Habboush of Secret services of Saddam Hussein reveals that Mojahedin got direct order for assassination of General Shirazi and got paid in return

link to the videos

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