Heyrani and his Albanian wife threatened to death by the MEK army

Hassan Heyrani and his Albanian Wife Margarita Balco

A month after SPAK and the anti-terrorist police raided the mujahedin camp in Manze, the mujahedin army seems to have attacked again. In the last 24 hours, online attacks against Albanian citizens who are critical of the MEK have resumed from the Mujahideen camp in Manze.

On the YouTube page of the Top Channel television, which has published a conversation that the Albanian citizen Margarita Ballco and her Iranian boyfriend, Hassan Heyrani, made in the show Shqiperia Live on 13/07/2023, where Ballco and Heyrani show the horrors inside the mujahedin camp, in the comments section, the mujahedin have released insults and threats against the Albanian-Iranian couple.

The attacks on Margarita were initiated by the translator of the Mujahideen, Sokol Beqiraj. The pro-mujahedin fanatic calls Maryam Rajavit’s jihad defector Hassan Heyrani “an Iranian renegade”, “disloyal”, “supporter of the mullahs”, “traitor”.

16 hours ago
This show, where the interviewee… an Iranian renegade who slanders his former brothers and who, after finding love, just abandoned those for whom he had given his allegiance… that is, a traitor and who supports the religious fascist terrorist regime of the mullahs…, what message can this traitor to his nation, the Albanians, give. Albanians know well that the Iranian mujahideen who live in Albania are honest people who have sacrificed their lives for freedom and democracy in Iran, occupied by the regime of the mullahs.”

Sokol Beqiraj, who writes on the portal of the former Enverist Cerciz Loloci, albspirit, and the portal of the mujahedin of Manze IranProbe, is a regular translator of the mujahedin army. His aggressive writings calling for the overthrow of the regime in Iran, according to the penal code of the Republic of Albania, can be classified as incitement and calls for terrorist acts.
Sokol Beqiraj’s writings, which are published both in Bujar Tuku’s portal, Gazeta Si, and in Cerciz Loloc’s Albspirit portal, are ordered by Maryam Rajavi, Mehdi Abrishamchi and the mujahedin army. The purpose of Beqiraj’s writings is disinformation and spreading hatred against Islam and the Iranian state. Cerciz Loloc’s portal, where Beqiraj writes, is an ardent supporter of Israel and an unyielding opponent of Islam and Muslims. While Islam is attacked on Cerciz Loloc’s website, Cecoja from Gjirokastra fanatically advertises the Islamophobic Israeli website, Izraeli Sot together with Dine Fratari’s construction businesses.

The attack that Sokol Beqiraj launched against the Albanian citizen Margarita Ballco seems to have been made by order of the Mujahideen army. Immediately after Beqiraj attacked the Albanian-Iranian couple, comments from the mujahedin of Manze started on the Top Channel page. Hailing their victory for the expulsion of Hassan Heyrani from Albania, the Mujahideen hurled insults at Hassan and his wife:

14 hours ago
This story was prepared for the refugees of the Mujahideen camp, this girl pretends that the Iranians in Maxe’s camp are bad. Perhaps I know them well from after they read Arthur to get married to increase the population, but when they came for protection, the Iranians are good people, peaceful and humane, they have helped me in resting my term and continuing the acquaintance of 5 years. Indeed, they are smart people, but the words expressed by this Albanian girl, Sensei Hasani, fled, left, or rather hid from the camp, not to marry, but to slander the Iranians in the Manx camp.

Reply2 replies
16 hours ago
I heard that this ugly man was expelled from Albania
Why is the hand back in the trash and out?
Top Channel is a place for good people, not devils
An example is a wolf in any skin
Nature is like a wolf
So whatever he says is the nature of a hungry wolf.”
In the wave of comments and insults made against the Albanian Margarita Ballco and her husband, there are also terrorist threats. A commenter named @frankfranky7410 threatens the Albanian citizen and her husband with death:

9 hours ago
The next time you appear on TV with Hasan, you will be covered head to toe in black.

The attacks against the couple Ballco – Heyrani, launched by the Mujahedin army of Manza, are very disturbing. A month after the state police raided the mujahedin camp, where about 100 computers were seized, the SPAK still has not arrested any mujahedin for the crimes they have committed in Albania in recent years. While the mujahedin are not yet facing justice, the death threats made by the mujahedin supporter on the Top Channel television website are frightening for the media and freedom of speech. The attack against Ms. Ballco started by Sokol Beqiraj and the death threats made against them, should be carefully looked at by the anti-terror police and SPAK.

What does the MEK intend to do with the couple Ballco – Heyrani? After the slanderous attacks that Sokol Beqiraj launched, the death threats made by @frankfranky7410, what does Maryam Rajavi intend to do? Will the supporters of the MEK, like @frankfranky7410, kill those Albanian and Iranian citizens who denounce the Mujahideen crimes in the media? How is it explained that after the attack on Sokol Beqiraj, the Mujahideen started attacking the Iranian-Albanian couple? Do we have a coordination of mujahedin attacks against free speech? Why did the MEK become active on social media a month after the raid by the police? Have the computers been returned to the MEK by the prosecutor’s office or has the MEK trafficked new computers to Manze?

The MEK has a long history of violence, terrorism and threats to free speech from Iran, Iraq to Albania. Mujahideen, as Prime Minister Edi Rama has emphasized before, have turned Albania on the basis of their terrorist activity against a foreign country. They have killed Iranian civilians, officials and scientists. They have incited violence and terrorist acts in their country.

The latest threat launched by Sokol Beqiraj and followed by mujahedin accounts, sends a gloomy message for freedom of speech and thought in Albania.

While the police and the Albanian court confiscated the mujahedin’s computers a month ago, the reappearance and re-activation of the mujahedin on social networks shows that the MEK has received new computers, has resumed political activity, which Prime Minister Edi Rama denounced a few weeks ago.

These facts, threats and blackmails, must be investigated by the anti-terrorist police and the SPAK and mujahedin activity must be stopped again.

The show of Margarita and Hassan and the threatening comments can be seen in the link below:

Gazeta Impakt – Translated by Nejat Society

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