MKO involved in Farhadi’s abduction

News sources say that the terrorist MKO collaborated with the CIA on the abduction of an Iranian official from Sulaimaniya Palace Hotel.

According to informed sources, there is strong evidence showing that the terrorist group, Mujahedine Khalq Organization (MKO), was in collaboration with the CIA in the kidnapping of an Iranian national named Farhadi, who was a member of an Iranian commercial delegation to Sulaimaniya.

The members of the MKO terrorist group are quite safe in Sulaimaniya, moving about freely and openly protected by the US forces, they added.

The Iranian delegation, including a group of officials in charge of economic and business affairs, went to Kurdistan at the invitation of Kurdistan officials as per a deal earlier signed between the two sides and Kurdistan officials are responsible for their security.

The Iranian national was kidnapped by US forces from the Sulaimaniya Palace Hotel in northern Iraq on Thursday.

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