Rudy Giuliani, MEK’s paid supporter charged with 13 crimes.

A man looks on as head of anti-Iran terrorist group of MKO Maryam Radjavi and former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani pose for pictures during an MKO meeting in Paris, July 30, 2018. (Photo by CSD)

As the Western support for the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) is in decline, the group’s paid supporter Rudy Giuliani surrendered on charges in the Georgia election subversion case. As Donald Trump’s key election lawyer, Rudy Giuliani together with two other lawyers, Sidney Powell and Jenna Ellis are under trial.

On August 23, 2023, CNN reported, “The scene of Giuliani, the former New York City mayor and a notable former federal prosecutor, walking into the Fulton County jail represented another remarkable moment in the ongoing investigation into Trump and his efforts to overturn his 2020 election defeat.”

According to the report, as one of Trump’s most outspoken attorneys in 2020, Giuliani was charged with 13 crimes, including breaking the state’s racketeering act, engaging in various criminal conspiracies, and soliciting a public officer in the state to violate their oath.

For more than a decade, Giuliani has pushed the agenda of the MEK, giving paid speeches and writing newspaper op-eds expressing support for a group linked to the deaths of six Americans in the 1970s.

In October 2019, NBC News warned about Giuliani’s material support for the Cult of Rajavi. The article was titled “Giuliani’s work for Iranian group with bloody past could lead to more legal woes”.
NBC News quoted Daniel Benjamin, a State Department counterterrorism coordinator from 2009 to 2012. He has focused extensively on the network of American politicians who have been paid by MEK, including Giuliani.

“I found it pretty distasteful that they were shilling for this group even if it was delisted,” Benjamin told NBC. “This is a group that has American blood on its hands, and it’s never owned up to that.”

“Look at those who have gone on their gravy train and then go to their events and say MEK is going to bring democracy and peace to Iran,” Benjamin said. “Basically, these guys bring aboard their pals. Especially among the hardest line anti-Iran folks, this is the place to go. Though plenty of people become much more hard line once their pockets are filled with MEK money.”
The authors of NBC New also quote from Karim Sadjadpour, an Iran expert with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Sadjadpour describes the organization as a fringe group with mysterious sponsors that garners slight support in its home country. “Their population in Iran hovers between negligible and nil,” Sadjadpour said.

Today, in August 2023, after the MEK’s headquarters was raided by the Albanian Police, the group’s base among its paid supporters is much more devastated than before. Regarding that Albania is a loyal ally of the United States, the move by the Albanian authorities to confiscate the MEK’s computers and other digital tools of its cyber army must have been granted approval of the American authorities.

The group’s paid supporters among the US warmongers like Giuliani seem to have to leave the group alone to help their notorious background.

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