Conference of the Albanian Nejat Society in Tirana

On Sunday, October 15, 2023, a conference was held by Albanian Nejat Society in the conference hall of the Hotel Mondial, Tirana, to try to connect the members trapped in the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK, MKO) with the outside world and bring the voice of their waiting families to the people and statesmen of Albania.

ٍErisa Rahimi

Mrs. Erisa Rahimi, who was responsible for the translation and management of this conference, first introduced the conference panel members and explained the purpose of the conference to the participants.

Human rights activist Ms. Naime Gjongecaj, Mrs. Kela Solulari, Mr. Ali Zamani, Mr. Mohammad Reza Sediq, Mr. Mostafa Beheshti, and Mr. Musa Jaberifar from the members of the Nejat Society of Albania, and Mr. Aldo Solulari, the media manager of the Nejat Society, were present in the conference panel, as well as Ms. Soraya Abdollahi, who was connected online from Iran, delivered speeches.

Ms. Naimeh Gjongecaj, a human rights activist

First, a video footage of the gathering of families in front of the International Red Cross in Tehran and also the Turkish Embassy, which protects the interests of Albania, was shown. In this conference, Ms. Naimeh Gjongecaj, a human rights activist, who chaired the conference, gave a speech. She emphasized that all the mothers in Albania should be the voice of the families in Iran and asked the attendees at the conference that everyone should do everything to make the voices of the mothers heard.

Mrs. Erisa Rahimi said something about Ali Asghar Zamani’s escape from the MEK camp and asked him to explain more and describe how he escaped. In his speech, Mr. Zamani gave explanations about the organization’s tricks and the way members were deceived and his family was abused by the MEK, and then he talked about leaving his seven-year-old daughter in Iran and being away from her for several years, and pointed out that by escaping he was born again. He expressed his happiness of being in the free world and at the end of his speech he thanked the Albanian government and especially the Albanian police for their help and support.

Conference of the Albanian Nejat Society in Tirana

Mostafa Beheshti was the third speaker of this conference. In his speech, he talked about the fact that the MEK prevented him from communicating with his mother, and he talked about his mother’s death, and he talked about the last words of his mother on her sick bed, which impressed everyone present.

The next speech was by Musa Jaberifar. Mr. Jaberifar said that he spent 13 years of the best period of his life for the Iranian people, but the MEK deceived him and abused him and forced him to cut ties with his family. He said: “I know that it is hard for any listener to believe this, but this is the truth, in the MEK, we did not have the right to communicate with the family, even in the form of sending letters. Even if we remembered our parents and sisters and brothers, we would be impeached. The MEK considers the family as its enemy, and every member of this organization is forced to believe this.”

Mohammadreza Sediq was the other speaker of this meeting. He welcomed and thanked the guests of this conference in Albanian language. In his speech, which impressed the audience, Mr. Sediq said: “My mother came to Iraq and waited for days at the gate of Camp Ashraf, but the MEK did not inform me that my mother was waiting at the gate of the camp. The officials of the organization threw stones and pieces of irons at the families and called them mercenaries of the Iranian government. While the fathers and mothers who were behind the gate of Camp Ashraf were all elderly. The MEK had a hysterical hostility towards families and they said that the family is the enemy of the MEK and they distance members from the war with the regime in Iran. I always had one dream and that was to return to my homeland Iran one day and kiss the hands of my parents. But unfortunately, I faced the death of my mother and now if I return to Iran, instead of kissing my mother’s hand, I have to kiss my mother’s gravestone. Some of you are mothers and you understand well the separation of mother from child. But Rajavi brought these calamities to us.”

Another speaker was Kela Solulari. Mrs. Solulari expressed her happiness at the union of Iranians and Albanian families and people. He considered the Albanian Nejat Society as a platform for the release of members and the meeting of families and said that we should be the voice of families and members trapped in Albania. He said that we should not fail in this direction and we should do our best.

Aldo Solulari, media media manager of Nejat Society

Aldo Solulari, media manager of Nejat Society, was the last speaker of this panel. Mr. Solulari mentioned the Albanian Nejat Society as the only hope for the release of the trapped members of the MEK to make the voices of the families heard.
After the conference panel members finished their speeches, Mrs. Erisa Rahimi introduced Soraya Abdollahi to the conference audience. Ms. Abdollahi impressed all the participants in the conference with her words and visual communication. He talked about his many years of trying to meet her only son, Amir Aslan Hassanzadeh, and talked about the MEK’s obstruction to communicate with her son. Ms. Abdullahi asked the young people present at the conference not to be deceived by the MEK and considered this organization a threat to the national security of Albania. She asked all the audience, especially the mothers who participated in the conference, to be the voice of expectant mothers in Iran and open the way to meet the captive children by referring to the Albanian government.

At the end of Ms. Abdollahi’s speech, Mrs. Erisa Rahimi asked all the participants of this conference to sign the final statement of the conference to support the release of the members trapped in the MEK and to give access to the families in Iran to their loved ones. All participants expressed their solidarity by signing the final statement of the conference.

At the end of the conference, a celebration was held for the escape of Ali Asghar Zamani at the Hotel Mondal restaurant by the members of the Albanian Nejat Society for all the participants of the conference. The cultural and publicity department of the Nejat Society of Albania will soon show the films of this conference and the celebration of Ali Zamani’s freedom.

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