The release of Gholamreza Shekari from the refugee camp in Albania

Gholarmreza Shekari

Nejat Society Albania is pleased to announce that Gholamreza Shekari, who was detained in the Albanian refugee camp in Karrec last year, was released unconditionally today, October 21st , 2023

Shekari, together with three other ex-members of the Mujahedin-e Khalq MEK) were asked by the Albanian authorities to either accept the voluntary departure from Albania or wait for assignment in the refugee camp. They refused to accept to leave the Albanian territory.
Ali Hajari was released earlier in this regard but two others, Hassan Shahbaz, Mehdi Soleimani are still detained in the camp.

Nejat Society Albania is grateful to Albanian authorities for their prompt cooperation, as well as the respected lawyer of the Society, Mr. Ervin Grabova, who made many efforts during this period.

We are looking forward to the unconditional release of Shahbaz and Soleimani.

Nejat Society – Tirana

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