Nejat Society Albania’s Conference in Tirana, We are equal

the Nejat Society conference in Tirana

On Sunday, November 26, 2023, a gathering was held by Nejat Society Albania following a public call, at the futsal park in the crowded area known as “Rruga Ura” in downtown Tirana. The event was titled: “We are all equal and we support the basic human rights of all different communities in Albania”.

The event was supposed to begin at 11 am. Over 300 citizens of Tirana gathered in the below freezing temperature at the end of the autumn, and many more people watched the program while passing through the park. The audience wanted to know the Iranian community living in Albania who include some defectors of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK).

the Nejat Society conference in Tirana

The gathering started by Erisa Rahimi (Idrisi) who announced the program with explanations about Nejat Society Albania and its Iranian members. Then, a new documentary entitled “Biography” produced by Nejat Society in Albanian language was played. The video which displayed the pain and sufferings of waiting families was well received by the audience. Ms. Rahimi introduced Ebrahim Khodabandeh, CEO of Nejat Society.

Khodabandeh delivered his speech online. He first thanked the participants for their presence, as well as the authorities in the Albanian government, who have given members of Nejat Society a sense of security in Tirana.

the Nejat Society conference in Tirana

He stated, he stated that apart from any political issue, this is an issue of human rights for the families who want to have contact with their loved ones taken as hostages in the MEK’s camp. and requested the authorities of the Albanian government to provide the means to fulfill this request as soon as possible. He drew the attention of the Albanian statesmen to the gross violation of human rights inside the MEK camp in Albania.

Then, the documentary of the gathering of families in front of the Turkish Embassy which represents interest section of Albania, in Tehran was shown along with its final statement in Albanian language, which had an immense impact on the participants and even the television network staff who were present on the scene. The film made them upset.
Erisa Rahimi continued the program introducing Soraya Abdallahi, the head of the Mothers’ Organization of Nejat Society, and pointed out that she had been deprived of contact with her only son for 22 years.

the Nejat Society conference in Tirana

Abdullahi, the mother of Amir Aslan Hassanzadeh, who is trapped in the MEK’s camp in Albania, started speaking online. On behalf of all the families, and especially on behalf of all the mothers, he requested the people and the media of Albania to convey the rightful request to communicate with their loved ones to the ears of the Albanian statesmen, so that maybe after decades this right and this request will be fulfilled. During Abdullahi’s speech, a number of Albanian mothers who participated in the scene were crying and those present were deeply impressed.

Hamid Agh Atabai, one of the defectors from the Cult of Rajavi and a member of Nejat Society Albania, gave a speech. He first spoke about his experiences inside the MEK, which was new to the attendees. He also spoke of the so-called resistance units of the MEK and the threat this organization poses to the security of the people of Iran and to the security of the Albanian people. He expressed his personal dark experiences during his years of stay in the MEK camp in Albania and how his life changed after being rescued from this destructive cult.
The speeches of Khodabandeh, Abdullahi and Atabai were interpreted live for the audience, by the host of the event, Erisa Rahimi.

the Nejat Society conference in Tirana

Then the messages of support from the friends of Nejat Society, including the human rights activist Naimeh Jongtsai, the famous writer Mr. Leonard Nika, and pastor Christian Kotori, who were supposed to give a speech but could not be physically present due to holidays and vacation, were read.

The final statement of the meeting, signed by the participants, was read aloud.

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