Inside this issue:
– Nejat Society congratulates the Albania’s Independence Day
On behalf of the Iranian community in Albania, we congratulate the government and people of Albania and wish everyone a joyous celebration for the 111th Independence Day. Members of the Albanian Nejat Society wish happy national day to all

Nejat Newsletter No.108
Albanians, to proudly celebrate the 28th November, the Independence Day as the nation’s birthday. On this day we honor and appreciate all..
– Nejat Society’s Conference in Tirana, We are equal
On Sunday, November 26, 2023, a gathering was held by Nejat Society Albania following a public call, at the futsal park in the crowded area known as “Rruga Ura” in down town Tirana. The event was titled: “We are all equal and we support the basic human rights of all different communities in Albania”
– oncluding Statement of The great gathering of the Albanian Nejat Society
Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK, MKO) led by Massoud and Maryam Rajavi, while they were expelled from Iraq and no other country was willing to receive them, were accepted in Albania for humanitarian reasons about 7 years ago.
– The Albanian Kristal TV report on the Nejat Society conference in Tirana
A conference on hu man rights was held last Sunday morning. The event took place in Tirana with many participants where they were present and closely followed the entire event..
– The Albanian public opinion should be informed about Rajavi’s modern slavery
Masoomeh Rezaei has been deprived of seeing her son for many years. His son, Saeed Farajullah Hosseini, was captured by Iraqi forces during the Iran Iraq war and was transferred from the camp of Iranian prisoners of war in Iraq to the headquarters of Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), under a collusion between Massoud Rajavi and Saddam Hussein.
– The Albanian News 24 TV Channel interviews Ali Zamani
Ali Asghar Zamani is a former member of the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization and the current member of the Nejat Society office in Albania called Nejat Albania.
– How the Cult of Rajavi works according to Steven Hassan
If you think that cults are merely traps for gullible and weakminded people, Steven Hassan would urge you to reconsider. The mind control expert is the author of Combating Cult Mind Control: The Guide to Protection, Rescue and Recovery from Destructive Cults. He’s also a former member of the Sun Myung Moon’s Unification Church cult.
– Stockholm and Koln prosecutors should take action for MEK children, ex-member
who published her autobiography a few months ago. The book was welcome among Swedish public opinion. As a journalist, Heidarnejad has published a review on the book raising the case of children who were systematically abused in the Rajavi’s ruling system as a legal case in Sweden and Germany..
– Famous Albanian author visited Nejat Society
Members of Nejat Society Albania received the Albanian author Leonard Nika at their office in Tirana. Leonard Nika, the famous Albanian author has recently published a new book.
– Why MEK separated children from families
After the defeat of Operation Forough Javidan (aka the Eternal Light and/or Mersad) (August 3-7, 1988), Massoud Rajavi, who was in charge of the operation, instead of accepting responsibility and responding to his erroneous analyses, held a series of meetings for the failure of the operation in the spring and summer of 1989, in which he laid the blame on the warriors of the so called “National Liberation Army” and members of the Mujahedine Khalq (MEK/MKO).
– NESCO researcher: MEK does not have widespread public backing in Iran
While the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) claims that its so-called “resistance units” are active all over Iran to push the overthrow of the Iranian government, independent researchers and journalists have always stat ed that the group lacks public support in Iran