Another Step Towards Eradicating Iraq’s Terrorists

According to an agreement signed by Bashir Atalay and Jawad al-Boolani, the interior ministers of Turkey and Iraq, the two countries vowed to cooperate on preventing terrorists’ sabotage operations, training, investment and propaganda campaigns. They also promised to extradite terrorist elements.

Al-Boolani, Iraqi interior minister, said: "Iraq cooperates with neighboring countries on the issue of fighting terrorism. We pursue terrorist elements in our soil."

He stressed that a country alone wouldn’t be able to succeed in the fight against terrorism, adding: "There are a number of terrorist groups in Iraq, including PKK, MKO, Ansar al-Sunnah, Ansar al-Islam and others, whose presence is a threat to Iraqi people and neighboring countries."

"Iraq can’t allow its soil to become a base for terrorism and threat against its neighbors," he said.



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