Iran court holds seventh trial session for the MEK

Trial of MEK leaders in Tehran

The seventh session of the trial of commanders of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) was held in Tehran. The court was chaired by Judge Dehghani in the 11th branch of the criminal court of Tehran province on Tuesday, January 23rd.

The prosecutor’s representative called Hossein Dadkhah, Sepideh Ebrahimi, Sadat Bandari, Fatemeh Davaran, Azadeh Rezai, Hadi Roshan Ravan and 15 others as the main defendants of yesterday’s session.

According to the prosecutor’s representative, Hossein Dadkhah was responsible for identifying the target of the assassination, the address and hours of the assassination, as well as announcing this information to the MEK agents in the murder of Seyed Mohammad Hassan Beheshti Nejad.
Thus, in this terrorist act, in 1381, the members of a five-person team went to the door of the mentioned house and shot at him under the cover of delivering a letter, which led to the murder of him and his young child.

Based on the indictment of Sepideh Ebrahimi, she is one of the interrogator-torturer of the group’s dissident members. She has also been the organizer of the group’s terror teams for mortar attacks in the cities of Iran.

Vaziri, the prosecutor’s representative stated that in a classified document published by the US government, the MEK only seeks to create chaos, but also helps the American government to put more pressure on Tehran.

He added, “It is mentioned in this document that the terrorist MEK can play an important role for Washington as an agent of infiltration and espionage.”.
Mohammad Sadat Darbandi is the 78th defendant in the court investigating the crimes of the MEK. Inside the MEK, he is called Kak Aadel. His name is frequently mentioned as a notorious torturer of the group’s dissident members, in the testimonies of defectors of the MEK.

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