Who is using Mojahedin Khalq Terrorist organisation?

In protest against western support for proscribed terrorists in EU Majlis speaker cancels speech at European Parliament

Majlis Speaker Gholam-Ali Haddad-Adel has canceled an scheduled visit to Strasbourg, France, where he was to address the European Parliament on Thursday. The decision was made in protest to”the dual behavior”of EP officials.

The speaker’s decision was made after it was reported that a number of EP officials have recently met with the leader of the terrorist Mujahideen Khalq Organization (MKO).

Haddad-Adel’s visit was due to take place upon an invitation extended by head of European Parliament Council.

He was to address the Council of Europe Parliament as rotating chairman of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA).

The speaker was to talk about Asia’s specific status at the international community and the significant efforts which are underway to promote the continent’s role in international


Haddad-Adel called on the APA president to voice the speaker’s strong protests to EP officials for their”dual behavior in their alleged fight against terrorism.”

The MKO is enlisted by the EU as a terrorist group and its leader is under prosecution by the INTERPOL for the crimes committed by the MKO members in Iraq and Iran.


Majlis speaker to address IPU confab in Switzerland

Majlis Speaker Gholam-Ali Haddad-Adel, heading a high-ranking delegation, will visit Switzerland next Monday to address the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) meeting.

According to the Press Bureau of Majlis, Haddad-Adel will take part in a three-day conference in Geneva at an invitation by the IPU head. Speakers from 120 countries will also participate in the event.

This is the first time that the IPU invites a high-ranking delegation from Iran to attend its meeting.

Heshmatollah Falahat-Pisheh, Seyed Abdullah Hosseini, Javad Jahangirzadeh, Kazem Jalali, Fatima Alia and Nafisseh Fayyaz-Bakhsh will accompany the Majlis speaker during the three-day visit to Switzerland.

Haddad-Adel will hold talks with heads of Swiss Federal Council and Parliament during the visit.

The IPU Geneva-based non-governmental organization, comprising 148 member states, was established 110 years earlier.

The Iranian speaker will pay a visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina at an official invitation by their parliament speaker.

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