French charge d’affaires in Tehran summoned to foreign ministry

French Charge D’Affaires in Tehran Jean Grebling was summoned to Foreign Ministry on Wednesday morning.

According to Foreign Ministry Media Department report, following provocative and unreasonable statements by French political officials, especially the radical and continuous statements by French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner, head of second office of Western Europe in Foreign Ministry summoned the French charge d’affaires in Tehran, in the absence of the ambassador, and submitted Iran’s official protest against recent statements of Mr. Kouchner.

In the meeting, the Iranian diplomat also expressed Iran’s dissatisfaction with Paris recent stances and intensified negative tone concerning Iran’s constructive agreement with International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA).

Referring to French officials stances in recent weeks concerning Iran’s nuclear dossier, the foreign ministry diplomat condemned and strongly protested against ‘French efforts in forming the UN Security Council resolution against Iran, persuading European countries to impose extra sanctions outside UNSC framework on Iran and recommending European companies to stop new economic cooperation with Iran’.

While 5+1 group in its latest meeting agreed to postpone discussion on Iran’s nuclear dossier until November when IAEA presents its report, French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner in an unrealistic and irresponsible statement has accused Iran of trying to access atomic bomb.

Kouchner, in an interview with French Channel One Radio on Tuesday, claimed that existing situation in Iran is dangerous and Islamic Republic of Iran will only take the West seriously just by intensifying sanctions against it.

Two weeks ago, Kouchner in another irresponsible statement, said that the world should be prepared for a war against Iran as the worst choice in dealing with its nuclear issue.

In the foreign ministry meeting, dual and discriminatory behavior of the French government in facing with the issue of terrorism was criticized and it was said that the freedom of the terrorist group Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) in France is in contradiction with international resolutions and obligations on fight against terrorism.

The French diplomat answered he would promptly inform his government on Iran’s viewpoints.

Concerning MKO activities, the French diplomat said, "French government stance on the group has not changed and they are still under control of France judiciary system and there is no sympathy with them."


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