Women’s committee of Nejat Society Albania Statement on the occasion of March 8

Nejat Society Albania conference on women

The MEK has formed a modern slavery in European soil in the 21st century.

The Nejat Society of Albania, as an organization that supports Iranians living in this country, has declared one of its goals to fulfill the human rights demands of the families of the members trapped in the isolated and remote camp of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK, MKO, Rajavi Cult), and uses all its capacity in this direction.

The women’s group of this Society is specifically the voice of families and especially mothers who have not known about their loved ones for years and want to communicate with them. The leaders of the MEK prevent this communication and violate the most basic human rights of their members.

On this day (March 8), which is named for the rights of mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, and all women, our request is to respond to the calls of the grieving families, especially the mothers of members caught in the MEK in Albania, to provide the possibility of communication between them and their loved ones after many years of detachment and no news.

We ask the responsible authorities in the government of Albania to allow the families of the members of the MEK to communicate with their children and meet their loved ones. In the 21st century, the MEK has formed a modern slavery in European soil. In this organization, all basic human rights and freedoms are violated, one of which is the right to communicate with the free world, especially the family. This can be done simply with a phone call or by making it possible for families to travel to Albania to meet after so many years.

With respect,

Members of the Council of Women’s group of the Albanian Nejat Society:

Erisa Idrizi
Ela Deda
Brikela Sulollari
Mirlinda Zharri
Edona Hunda
Eltisa Bilo

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