Nejat Albania Conference on Intl Women’s Day

Nejat Society Albania conference on women s day

On Friday, March 8, 2024, on the occasion of International Women’s Day, a conference was held at the villa of Nejat Society Albania. The conference was attended by more than 40 Albanian women’s rights activists. The media activists and journalists, including the production team from ATV and Tirana 1 channel, also participated the event to produce contents.

At the beginning of the event, the participating ladies visited the photo and cartoon exhibition of Nejat Society Albania about Mujahedin-e Khalq’s camp in Albania, emphasizing on the rights of families and mothers of those who are taken as hostages inside the MEK’s camp.

In this meeting, Erisa Idrizi, the head of the women’s committee of Nejat Society Albania, welcomed all the guests, introduced the speakers and read the statement of the committee on the occasion of 8th March, International Women’s Day. At the end, the statement was signed by all the participants of the event.

Then Mrs. Angela Doçi, head of the students’ committee for defending Nejat Society Albania, gave a speech. She presented the statement of the committee and in this way the student committee for defending Nejat Society Albania announced its existence and officially started its work. Then, Etleva Sulollari, Mothers’ rights activist, as well as Lirije Abazi and Eltisa Bilo, members of women’s committee of Nejat Society Albania spoke for the audience.

The speakers talked about the International Women’s Day’s values and the human rights violations the MEK leaders commit against their members inside Camp Ashraf 3, in Albania. In the end, the resolution of the conference, that addressed the authorities of the government of Albania, was signed by the participants. The text and the signatures will be sent to the relevant authorities.

Nejat Society Albania conference on women

Nejat Society Albania conference on women s day

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