The Children of Camp Ashraf – Official Trailer

The official trailer of The Children of Camp Ashraf was released. The documentary is based on the lived experience of four Swedish citizen whose parents where members of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK). The film was directed by Sara Moien and produced by Linda Mutavi. Since January 31st, it has been screened in two Swedish festivals, Goteborg film festival and Tempo Documentary Fesrival.

to download the video file click here

In the aftermath of the 1979 Iranian revolution, the MEK left their homeland, allied with Saddam Hussein, and settled in Iraq. Here, based on collectivist ideas, they established a large camp, Camp Ashraf. The organization became increasingly cult-like, tied to its leaders, and in the early 1990s, it was decided that hundreds of children in the camp would be raised by sympathizers abroad. Amir, Parwin, Hanif, and Atefeh are some of those who ended up in Sweden, and in Sara Moein’s deeply engaging documentary, they narrate their experiences to a rich archive of materials. They also try to reconnect with the organization and their parents, who are now in Albania.

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