MEK threatened former child soldier to death

Mohamamdreza Torabi

Mohammad Reza (Ray) Torabi was threatened to death by agents of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK).

Ray Torabi is a former child soldier of the MEK who defected the group in 2018 after 18 years of membership in the group. As a former child soldier whose right has been violated by the MEK leaders, he is a serious critic of the group and eventually he is often offended by the MEK’s agents.

On March 8th, sharing a video on his Facebook and Instagram accounts, Ray announced that he has been threatened to death several times:
Since days, MEK supporters are threatening me and my family. Today, another one of them called me for the second time and threatened me and my family in front of my wife and child. Luckily we recorded this one and have notified the police.

This is the price of telling the truth about an evil cult that poses as a legitimate Iranian opposition group, where in fact they are fundamentally no different from the Islamic republic and even worse. I hereby announce that my family and I hold the MEK and specifically Maryam Rajavi accountable and responsible for any harm done to me.

And to the MEK I say: you will not threaten and scare me into silence. I will raise my voice louder.
The time when you tortured, murdered and banished your critics in Iraq is long gone. This is Europe and your actions have legal consequences. Justice will be served.
Ray Torabi lost his father under the rule of the very MEK that he was serving in. However, he did not know about how his father died until after he left the group and other defectors of the group told him about the heart-braking fate of his father.

According to former members, Ghorban Ali Torabi refused to obey Massoud Rajavi’s order for forced divorce and other cult-like regulations of the group. During the 1994 to 1995, hundreds of members of the group were jailed, interrogated, tortured and killed because of their dissent against the rule of Rajavi.

His mother is still under the cult-like system of the MEK. The son of Ghorban Ali Torabi and Zahra Siraj, says that his mother gave him the label of being a mercenary of the Islamic Republic. Ray believes that his mother has been so brainwashed and deprived of human values by the destructive cult of Rajavi that she denies the love of her son.

In the MEK, the right to dissent is never respected and viewed as a healthy expression of democracy and freedom despite all the pro-democracy and pro-freedom gestures the group leaders take.

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