Atefeh Sebdani’s Episode on SVT Story, Swedish Channel One

documentary on sebdani's life on SVT

Channel One of Swedish TV broadcasts a documentary about the life of Atefeh Sebdani. Atefeh Sebdani is one of the children of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) who was separated from her parents at the age of 5 and was smuggled from Iraq to Sweden with her two younger brothers.
On April 3, SVT story of Sweden’s Channel One will release this 29-minute documentary on the life of Atefeh Sebdani, titled “The Moment That Changed Life”.
Atefeh and her brothers are separated from their parents in a military camp in Iraq. They are sent to Sweden and raised within the Mujahedin. She waits for her mother for days, weeks, months and years. Difficult years. Gradually she realizes that mother will not come. But then suddenly one day 25 years later she gets an unexpected sign of life. This is author Atefeh’s story.

Atefeh Sebdani, who is now a Swedish citizen, is married and the mother of three children. She is a successful engineer and lecturer who published his autobiography titled “My Hands in Mine” last summer and was well received by the audience. The book depicts a part of severe violation of children’s rights in the cult-like structure of the MEK and its sympathizer families.

Atefeh is also one of the 4 young people whose life story was shown in the recent documentary “Children of Camp Ashraf” made by Sara Moin in Swedish.
A few hours before the release of the episode, publishing its trailer Atefeh Sebdani wrote on her Facebook account about her fears, her concerns and the obstructions the MEK tried to launch in the way of the production of the episode:

to download the video file click here

Here’s the trailer for my episode that airs tomorrow on SVT Story.
It feels really hard for me to post this tonight and I will await the response before writing more than this post. If you want to send me your thoughts afterwards, please do so here in the comments.

As you can see, the title of the episode has changed. The cult did as the cult always does- acts like a cult. Monitors me and every step I take and communicates with the productions around me to gain control over the smallest detail. They will definitely get in touch with SVT after the episode premieres tomorrow and come up with new things to complain on.
As I warned SVT about during production.

Mujahedin continues to prove who they are: a controlling, authoritarian group that will do anything to preserve the last dignity they have and silence us defectors as much as possible. It’s just that they don’t realize that people who have to deal with them instead get to experience first-hand the things that I testify.

Thank you Mujahedin for never letting me down in that regard! Thanks for all the self goals! Bravo! You continue to confirm to the public exactly everything I tell about your cult.

Now I’ll take a deep breath. Cause tomorrow the whole world(!) will be able to watch my Story. Welcome to share this and inform, to keep showing your fantastic support. This, even though it feels so hard for me to expose myself like this. But now that it’s done, please help me to reach out.
I love and appreciate you all.

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