Nejat Newsletter No.112

Nejat Newsletter No.112


– Modern slavery in Europe on the verge of the second quarter of the 21st century

Right now, in the most blatant way possible, the rights enshrined in the European Convention, drafted, ratified and enforced in the mid-20th century, are being violated on Albanian soil by a destructive mind control cult, and it is the responsibility of the Albanian government to put an end to this situation. And put an end to cultic relations in Manëz camp in Durrës province, which is nothing but modern slavery.

– Greeting message for Iranian New Year 1403
We hope that 1403 will be the Year of “Hope” for the voice of those mothers who are in Iran, who every day are impatiently waiting for the meeting of those beautiful boys and girls, who are “stuck” in the MEK

– Nejat Albania Conference on Intl Women’s Day
On Friday, March 8, 2024, on the occasion of International Women’s Day, a conference was held at the villa of Nejat Society Albania. The conference was attended by more than 40 Albanian women’s rights activists. The media activists and journalists, including the production team from ATV and Tirana 1 channel, also participated the event to produce contents.

– Nejat Society Albania’s social action on the occasion of the Intl Women’s Day
On the occasion of March 8, the International Women’s Day, the female members of Nejat Society Albania carried out a social activity in downtown Tirana giving flowers to women and mothers congratulating them on the occasion of Women’s Day.

– Statement on the occasion of March 8
The Nejat Society of Albania, as an organization that supports Iranians living in this country, has declared
one of its goals to fulfill the human rights demands of the families of the members trapped in the isolated and remote camp of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK,MKO, Rajavi Cult), and uses all its capacity in this direction.

The MEK has been fighting to seize power in Iran for over 57 years now. They are abusing any uprising
inside Iran to intensify their lobbying efforts in Europe, Canada and the USA. Western politicians, in turn, are playing along with the MEK’s propaganda game:
Out of ignorance, personal financial interest and/or because they hope that the MEK – should a regime change occur will be an easy negotiating partner.

– Nowruz for MEK hostages and their families
On the eve of the Iranian new year, Nowruz, Iranians all over the world try to have gatherings with their
loved ones, except for those who are in the camp of MEK. They have no way out of their enclosed camp in Manez, in north of Albania.

– MEK threatened former child soldier to death
Mohammad Reza (Ray) Torabi was threatened to death by agents of the Mujahedin e Khalq (MEK).
Ray Torabi is a former child soldier of the MEK who defected the group in 2018 after 18 years of membership in the group.

– The Children of Camp Ashraf – Official Trailer
The official trailer of The Children of Camp Ashraf was released. The documentary is based on the lived experience of four Swedish citizen whose parents where members of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK). The film was directed by Sara Moien and produced by Linda Mutavi.

– Stockholm| Increased security to show Children of Camp Ashraf documentary
“The children from Camp Ashraf” is a documentary about four people of Irani an origin who were sent to Sweden as children in the 90s. Their families belonged to the militant, religious and Iranian resistance movement Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), which is politically far left and has been described as sectarian.
Until 2009, the group was labeled as terrorist by the EU.

– The CEO’s gratitude to the women of the Albanian Nejat Society
Ebrahim Khodabandeh, CEO of Nejat Society, thanked the Albanian women in a message following the successful and fruitful activities of the women’s group of the Albanian Nejat Society.

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