Shahsavandi: MKO a gadget exploited by the West

Rajavi tries to copy Chalabi

The session 131 of Saeed Shahsavandi’s recent interview with the Voice of Iran, originally in Farsi, mainly focused on the issue of MKO’s turning into a plaything in the hands of the West worked against Iran. He said “Mojahedin are a part of a carrot and stick policy the West has adopted to confront Iran”.

Expressing his regret over Mojahedin’s easily yielding to be exploited by the Western powers in their political dispute with Iran Shahsavandi said:

“It is so awful and regrettable to see Mojahedin are gadgets exploited by American’s neocons and hawks.”

Explaining on the disappearance of Massoud Rajavi and the underlying causes, he said that Rajavi had nothing more to present. He has already talked of whatever position and stances he is holding and has nothing more to add. The only fact he has to come and admit is that his past strategies have proved to be nothing more than failure today. “He has to come and admit that we have erred in our policies. Of course, he will be consequently descended of the imam-like status he is holding among Mojahedin.”

Shahsavandi asserted that Mojahedin, and Rajavi in particular, play the same role as did Ahmad Chalabi in winning acceptance for the Bush administration’s invasion of Iraq. The same as Chalabi, Rajavi also claims his goal is a democratic government in his homeland. However, Rajavi’s destiny will never be better than Chalabi even if his dreams can find an opening into the world of reality.

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