RTSH Interview with Nejat Society Albania’s media manager

Aldo Solulari, media media manager

The Albanian Radio and Television (RTSH) interviewed Aldo Sulollari. The morning show hosted by Angelo Shkreli, received the journalist Aldo Sulollari to talk about his latest projects.

The interview went on with a lot of humor but also spicy moments about the media and social projects that the journalist Aldo Sulollari has recently promoted to the Albanian public.

In some parts, it has been talked about the lifestyle of the famous journalist in the United States of America, but also a return to do media projects in the national media in Albania.
A very interesting point of this interview was Aldo’s professional anniversary, which this year marks 10 years of being part of the Albanian media, explaining that his professional life is constantly divided between the Albanian media and the focus on American platforms.

When asked by the host about his social engagements, he explained that when social activities are centered on an individual, this initiative becomes very significant for the life of this person, but also for the community to whom these social activities are transmitted, but when these activities come from outside the country, they become more solid and important, but also very interesting for the Albanian public.

Aldo explains that he has been part of a social project of Nejat Society Albania for more than 2 years now. Aldo Sulollari explains about the project:
“We are creating everything from scratch, based on every normative legal provision. Nejat in Albania, which is known in Albanian as the “rescue” Society, as the name itself is directly twinned with the founding society located in Iran, which was created by mothers whose children are in the Mujahedin-e Khalq organization known as the MEK camp.

We were in another association with another logo, but the interest was to show in the most direct way that now is the time to save those Iranians locked in that camp and to show that life is beautiful and must be lived. In Iran, we are in the year 1403, while we are in 2024 here, and it is a pity to discuss that there are still such false democracies, where the family according to the MEK is the enemy and you should not communicate with it.

In the MEK organization, all human rights are violated, and moreover, they came to Albania with a humanitarian shelter status, where according to the law, by the Albanian institutions, that camp must be monitored to understand that there are many legal violations and the people are not living free.

There are many mothers who mourn every day for the fate of their children, who have joined a camp, to go to a European country for material benefits, promising that they will have a life with democratic principles, but they’ve been stuck there for years.”

Journalists asked Sulollari for more details about the projects of Nejat Society and how it operates in Albania for its members who have left the mujahedin-e Khalq:

Aldo Sulollari answered:
“I met them by chance, as you invited me to the show tonight, I went as a journalist 2 years ago for an interview, and since that day, they have become part of my professional and personal life. A boy named Mehdi, who spoke my language very well, made me understand that these people have come here to integrate, to get a job, create their families and live life from scratch. As before, and now we are creating activities grand and modest, all kinds of activities, we try to give our best, with a team of Iranians and a team of Albanians, united together, with the support of Albanian institutions, we are giving our best every day to integrate this community in our country, but also to bring the voice of parents in Iran, for whom they suffer every day the fate of not being able to contact with their children who are in Camp Ashraf3.

If you allow me, I want to say hello to a member of the Nejat association, who was previously a nurse, doctor, dentist, and when he came to our society, he even became a writer, writing his life story, leaving his mark through literature. Khalil Ansarian, an artist at heart, who loves life, work, and even his Albanian partner. He has told every detail of his life in the MEK organization, in his book.

Inspired by this, now the Nejat Society has made it possible for the Albanian public through 3 other Albanian writers, to bring to the Albanian readers 3 new publications which are different from each other, but with a single mission to leave a witness generation for this history that has been marked in the lives of these members and to make possible and transmit the voice of mothers in Iran.”

Furthermore, during the interview, there were many jokes, where the host of the program was sneezing, and Aldo asked him if he was allergic to the Mujahedin-e Khalq organization.
In this interview and Aldo’s statements, there was also the expectation for the near future to create a media program in the Albanian media this time, to be closer to the Albanian public.

The interview was closed with a great message for Albanian citizens and also for Albanian institutions.

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